8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!
Automated Windows Build #707
Automated Windows Build #706
Fixed Lua errors when spawnmenu tries to search files (file.Find) in "illegal" folders
Fix up default key bindings
Automated Windows Build #705
Automated Linux DS Build #705
Automated Linux Build #705
Remove managed ConVars in Lua::Create instead of Lua::Kill (stops use of stale pointers when one state is using another state's ConVar during destruction)
Automated Linux DS Build #12
Automated Linux Build #12
Automated Windows Build #12
Automated Windows Build #11
Automated Windows Build #704
Automated Linux DS Build #11
Automated Linux Build #11
Automated Windows Build #703
Merge crash fixes
Don't apply TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP to textures loaded with FreeImage (test)
Automated Linux Build #703
Don't apply TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP to textures loaded with FreeImage (test)
Automated Windows Build #702
Send chromium mouse move events until left-mouse-button is released
Automated Windows Build #701
Chromium popups (dropdown boxes) get rendered on to the main view's texture
Automated Windows Build #700
Automated Linux DS Build #700
Automated Linux Build #700
Fixed crash when CStudioRender::DrawDecalMaterial gets an empty list of decals
Automated Windows Build #699
Automated Linux Build #699
Automated Linux DS Build #698
Automated Linux Build #698
Automated Windows Build #698
Ignore lower LODs that increase the amount of verts in a mesh - fixes crash on certain models when not on max model detail
Automated Windows Build #697
Automated Linux DS Build #697
Automated Linux Build #697
Force dxlevel 95 if no -dxlevel cmdline param specified
Automated Windows Build #696
Don't pass F1->F12 keys to Chromium
Automated Windows Build #695