
95 Commits over 31 Days - 0.13cph!

9 Years Ago
Preparing for deployment release.
9 Years Ago
Some b18 related changes.
9 Years Ago
Fixed junk audio sources being produced when switching game in the BBDK.
9 Years Ago
Redesigned the format sound resources are stored in, reducing MP3 files size.
9 Years Ago
Basic `.MP3` support, needs compression.
9 Years Ago
Refactored `.WAV` file reading, working on supporting `.MP3` files.
9 Years Ago
Now using NAudio to read .WAV files.
9 Years Ago
Removed redundant assemblies from source control.
9 Years Ago
[block_party] Testing out looping music.
9 Years Ago
Sounds now stop when a game resets / is disposed of.
9 Years Ago
Renamed `Graphics.GetAnimation` to `Graphics.CreateAnimation`, added a couple of overloads.
9 Years Ago
More audio overhauling; can now stop playing sounds, added `Sound.Play` and `Sound.Stop` methods to replace `Audio.Play`.
9 Years Ago
Started audio overhaul, added ability for sounds to loop.
9 Years Ago
[block_party] spike balance tweak
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
[block_party] sfx and music
9 Years Ago
Slight screen reflection tweak to make them more subtle.
9 Years Ago
Games can now be loaded from scripts in the `Arcade` Unity project.
9 Years Ago
Fixed a possible NullReferenceException on highscore stages.
9 Years Ago
Finished replacing the sprite offset system.
9 Years Ago
Replaced all occurrences of `Entity.SetSpriteOffset` and `Entity.GetSpriteOffset` in all games with `Sprite.Position`.
9 Years Ago
Removed `Entity.GetSpriteOffset` and `Entity.SetSpriteOffset`, now using `Sprite.Position` as offset relative to parent entity positions.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Added a demo to play during the intro sequence.
9 Years Ago
Fixed a few artifacts related to cabinet screen rendering.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Started work on animation that plays when first entering `GameStage`.
9 Years Ago
Fixed a error in the implementation of `Ease.InOutSine`.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Replaced road details with white centre lines.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Camera now zooms in and out with respect to the player's speed, and offsets so that the player can see further in front when moving fast.
9 Years Ago
Temporary fix for occasional hang on windows. See:
9 Years Ago
Removed a file that should not have been added to source control.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Can now leave the title screen.
9 Years Ago
[racer] More details for the title animation.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Title screen is now animated.
9 Years Ago
Fixed a bug with easing functions.
9 Years Ago
Added an `Ease` class with some basic easing functions.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Started work on title screen.
9 Years Ago
Added `Animation.IsPlaying` to compliment `Animation.IsPaused`.
9 Years Ago
Player can now race the computer opponent.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Added a basic computer controlled car.
9 Years Ago
Editor hooks defined within GameAPI.Unity.Editor.dll should now be invoked correctly.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Car property tweaks, camera is now centered a bit in front of the car.
9 Years Ago
Added a build script `` that can accept either a project name or source file name as input. When given a source file name, it will build only the project the source file is included in.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Generated tracks no longer have impossible hairpin seams due to non-integer noise octave frequencies.
9 Years Ago
Fixed generated build systems in `arcade.sublime-project`.
9 Years Ago
Fixed screen reflections for new cabinet model.
9 Years Ago
Attempting to get the screen reflection shader working with the new cabinet model.
9 Years Ago
Now ignoring `arcade.sublime-project`.
9 Years Ago
Premake script now generates build options for `arcade.sublime-project`.
9 Years Ago
Most of the way through adding functionality to the new cabinet.
9 Years Ago
Some documentation tweaks for Graphics methods.