82 Commits over 1,187 Days - 0.00cph!
Kinda fixed crashes when bootil reallocates huge chunks of memory
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Bootil: Do not use recursion when importing JSON
Limited JSON import depth to 5000 ( should be more than enough for any legitimate uses ) to avoid stack overflows
Fixed Bootil's memory formatting taking a signed integer
i was on the wrong branch again ffs
Added player_manager.GetPlayerClasses() and PLAYER:ClassChanged() (Community)
Lambdas not allowed either
Try to appease Apple gods
Use a faster method of ignoring newlines in Base64decode
Fixed JSON function precision for real
Increased precision of doubles in util.TableToJSON
Try _stat64 if we get EOVERFLOW in bootil
Cherry pick fixes - Serverlist changes, Translated Steam error code 6, base64 decode fixes, duplicator/constraint fixes
booltil's base64 also catches stlencoders::invalid_length
Fixed util.Base64Decode crashing the game with invalid characters in input
IN_MODIFY => IN_CLOSE_WRITE for linux auto refresh