21 Commits over 1,187 Days - 0.00cph!
Kinda fixed crashes when bootil reallocates huge chunks of memory
Bootil: Do not use recursion when importing JSON
Limited JSON import depth to 5000 ( should be more than enough for any legitimate uses ) to avoid stack overflows
Fixed Bootil's memory formatting taking a signed integer
i was on the wrong branch again ffs
Added player_manager.GetPlayerClasses() and PLAYER:ClassChanged() (Community)
Use a faster method of ignoring newlines in Base64decode
Fixed JSON function precision for real
Increased precision of doubles in util.TableToJSON
Try _stat64 if we get EOVERFLOW in bootil
booltil's base64 also catches stlencoders::invalid_length
Fixed util.Base64Decode crashing the game with invalid characters in input
IN_MODIFY => IN_CLOSE_WRITE for linux auto refresh
Bootil's JSON functions support wirting NaNs and Infinity (as nulls), as well as reading nulls (as empty strings) which all now also applies to GMod's JSON functions
util.TableToJSON now properly writes boolean keys
Remove the 500MB autobuffer limit from bootil
Add FCVAR_CHEAT flag to host_timescale
When you forget to switch branch, merge from prerelease/ into main/
JSON functions now can handle \0 properly
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