
178 Commits over 30 Days - 0.25cph!

1 Year Ago
Gameplay WIP. Dealer makes his play. Some work on end-of-round scoring.
1 Year Ago
Custom PlayersInRound() IEnumerator prevents having to check HasUserInCurrentRound all the time in card game foreach loops. Other WIP.
1 Year Ago
Merge Caboose -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Gameplay WIP
1 Year Ago
A more aesthetically pleasing dealer value display
1 Year Ago
Ignoring a workspaces.db file that a VS extension uses
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Gameplay WIP
1 Year Ago
- Don't send the dealer's hidden card to the client at all until the end of the round - Widget shows dealer's score
1 Year Ago
A few fixes
1 Year Ago
Players can bust (value over 21). Round can end with only one player left.
1 Year Ago
Stand/Hit actions
1 Year Ago
Fixed All In not working
1 Year Ago
Add support for going all-in. WIP basic actions and turns.
1 Year Ago
Calculate score for player's cards and show it in the UI
1 Year Ago
CardGamePlayerWidget now has a dynamic layout. Added optional extra area, will be used to show the player's card value in Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Fixed bet not submitting
1 Year Ago
If in editor, auto-give the player some scrap when they play a card game (similar to how vehicles get free fuel).
1 Year Ago
Allow changing dynamic bet amount with mouse wheel
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Force-quit anyone who didn't place a bet during the initial phase timer
1 Year Ago
Move table-destroy payout code to the base CardGameController
1 Year Ago
Stopped Rust complaining about not understanding the command line args that Unity is automatically adding ("licensingIpc", "hubSessionId" etc)
1 Year Ago
Reduced "Rust+ companion server connectivity", "Failed to find DungeonGridRoot", and "Failed to find DungeonBaseRoot" errors to warning level when in editor (prevent spam in game window).
1 Year Ago
Display bets correctly for Blackjack in the widget.
1 Year Ago
Text edits
1 Year Ago
UI text work
1 Year Ago
Lower Blackjack mount eye pos so the player doesn't feel like they're inhabiting a wacky waving inflatable tube man when they look straight down
1 Year Ago
Moved the poker-specific stuff in CardGamePlayerWidget into TexasHoldEmUI
1 Year Ago
UI action phrases for Blackjack game actions
1 Year Ago
Center Blackjack cards in the UI
1 Year Ago
Deal the rest of the initial cards, hide only the second on the dealer's cards
1 Year Ago
Show players' cards in Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Blackjack initial card deal, saving last actions
1 Year Ago
Merge Caboose -> Blackjack. I promise this is the last merge today.
1 Year Ago
Merge Caboose -> Blackjack again
1 Year Ago
Merge in the latest work
1 Year Ago
Merge Caboose -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Blackjack bets are submitted properly. Don't show the pot UI.
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Bet/Raise UI improvements. Fixed up/down input showing in poker when Reveal Hand was active. Formatting - changing some card game files to Rust standard code formatting.
1 Year Ago
Improved the clarity of the increase/decrease bet interface
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Action flags fix
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Rename the card table storage, since the Blackjack game isn't really at a table
1 Year Ago
"Place your bets" UI + more
1 Year Ago
Card game UI
1 Year Ago
Blackjack UI