
175 Commits over 61 Days - 0.12cph!

1 Year Ago
Fixed init order when spawning caboose causing trouble with poker and blackjack. Fixed other RendererLOD scripts on the caboose that weren't Dynamic.
1 Year Ago
Fixed poker table not showing up in spawned caboose
1 Year Ago
Fixed light switches not showing in spawn caboose
1 Year Ago
Disable Blackjack Halloween mode for now
1 Year Ago
Fixed compile issues
1 Year Ago
Minor UI edit
1 Year Ago
Small-screen UI now has info for insurance and split bets
1 Year Ago
Use & instead of / for bet UI
1 Year Ago
Add Insurance back as a Blackjack option
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Caboose
1 Year Ago
Fixed a rare animation issue (not Blackjack specific) with players getting stuck in a sitting state when their mounted pose is the standing pose, causing them to appear as sitting. The standing idle loop now plays as well.
1 Year Ago
Fixed timer not always showing up for a player's turn, with simultaneous turns
1 Year Ago
Compile fix
1 Year Ago
Fixed round not ending if one player has blackjack and another doesn't
1 Year Ago
"Waiting for other players" info on both UIs
1 Year Ago
Handle player with non-zero scrap but less than the minimum bet
1 Year Ago
Fixed double EndCycle call
1 Year Ago
Dealer don't bother playing if all players have Blackjack and the dealer doesn't
1 Year Ago
Fixed state sync bugs, issues when the player left mid-game
1 Year Ago
Assign the camera to the world space canvases
1 Year Ago
Screen displays info about needing to add funds
1 Year Ago
Dealer doesn't bother hitting at all if all players have busted
1 Year Ago
Removed Split/Double Down/Insurance just for the moment
1 Year Ago
Set up caboose gibs
1 Year Ago
Let all players make their moves at once, rather than one at a time
1 Year Ago
Caboose Gibs
1 Year Ago
Caboose lights turn off when no players are nearby
1 Year Ago
Don't show caboose/wagon/etc health when on the caboose/wagon/etc
1 Year Ago
LightGroupAtTime now supports renderers with multiple emissive materials
1 Year Ago
Caboose lighting IO etc
1 Year Ago
Setting up caboose lights. Fixed some candle and blackjack lights that had ended up in a different location to their objects
1 Year Ago
Light switches in caboose, not hooked up yet
1 Year Ago
Fixed splitting not working as expected, and added additional UI for seeing your split cards
1 Year Ago
Test map tidy up after merge
1 Year Ago
Death screen icons and text for all the train cars
1 Year Ago
Missing file
1 Year Ago
Added Caboose to the train population spawn list
1 Year Ago
Merge Blackjack -> Caboose
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Caboose
1 Year Ago
Result of running DoPrepareAll on this branch
1 Year Ago
Merge again
1 Year Ago
Fixed my DoPrepareAll method not saving its changes - added EditorUtility.SetDirty
1 Year Ago
Added a static method to the Tools menu that runs DoPrepare on all BaseNetworkables at once
1 Year Ago
Fixed train wagon loot needing a DoPrepare as well + other fixes
1 Year Ago
Caboose LOD level sync
1 Year Ago
Caboose folder move, put it with the rest of the train stuff
1 Year Ago
Merge Blackjack -> Caboose, to fix blackjack compile errors
1 Year Ago
Moved all train cars to one parent folder. DoPrepare + manifest update for the new IDs (IDs are based on path)
1 Year Ago
Trains now share one TriggerParent prefab
1 Year Ago
Caboose final tidy-up