
25 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

5 Months Ago
corrected skin constraint update maths - added skin constraint gizmos
5 Months Ago
burst cloth - moved skin constraint updates to IJobParallelForTransform to stop mainthread waiting for previous jobs (even though we only need read-only access, it doesn't know that) - fixed retrieval of bone data for player preview case
5 Months Ago
added skin constraints to left him as well
5 Months Ago
burstcloth - made skin constraint editing less messy
5 Months Ago
burstcloth - added skin constraints to allow explicit separation from defined points on skinned mesh without needing projected collision - works alongside collision constraints, but allows solving explicit issues like knee clipping without having to rely fully on it - applied to hazmat prefab, also reset bone positions
5 Months Ago
burstcloth - fixed siblings applying too much force as they were being iterated twice in different directions (this was increasingly unstable with higher numbers of substeps and constraint iterations)
5 Months Ago
configured prefab for cloth collision adjustment - tunic bone chains also lifted up
5 Months Ago
added field to burstcloth to control how the collision rays are projected towards the origin
5 Months Ago
Added back in pouch/satchel constraints (got nuked somehow)
5 Months Ago
Skeleton updates Mesh lods skinning/setup Burst Cloth controllers lod out
5 Months Ago
Skinning updates, burst cloth tweaks
5 Months Ago
Tunic rig/burst cloth setup, still WIP
5 Months Ago
Pouch/Satchel rig/burst cloth setup
5 Months Ago
Belt pelt constraints setup Added mantle/head back into prefab
5 Months Ago
Bone retarget on belt pelt bones
5 Months Ago
Added root bone above belt pelts Setup burst cloth for belt pelts
5 Months Ago
Added belt pelts to skeleton/prefab
5 Months Ago
burst cloth constraints tell you if you mess up the min/max constraint order
5 Months Ago
Updated backpack pelt constraints
5 Months Ago
Frontier bag cloth material
5 Months Ago
Backpack pelt constraints
5 Months Ago
Updated model Updated backpack settings
5 Months Ago
Backpack/Backpack Pelts setup
5 Months Ago
Added body mesh back into prefab
5 Months Ago
Updated frontier hazmat rig, skeleton definition & prefabs (just backpack for now)