19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Added protocol version for player persistant data
Itemid is now hash of item shortname
Fixed default blueprints
Cooking byproduct
Campfire use fuel, startup contents
Removed item conditionals, modules, actions
BaseOven - ignite/extinguish
Can define menu name/desc/icon as a field in the inspector
Fixed item phrases to read from ItemDefinition
Fixed deploy to entity deployables
Deployable cleanup
Removed item json defs
Removed deployable guides
Editor hacks to allow EditorGUI.ObjectField to set the searchFilter in the object picker
Automatically add ItemDefinition label to ItemDefinition objects
Touched up the LootSpawn properties
remaininworld, stick probability now handled by projectile instead of ammo item
damage types defined by projectile instead of weapon
projectile velocity defined by weapon instead of item