183 Commits over 61 Days - 0.13cph!
Static SAM sites now target MLRS rockets
Fixed markers getting confused when switching between dashboard and fullscreen. Make the dashboard map give up its claim when the fullscreen UI opens
Fixed dashboard map rocket markers losing reference if the player switched to the fullscreen map and back
MLRS ignore hitting itself when calculating projectile paths
Fix rocket markers showing briefly at 0,0,0
For dashboard map, keep the true zoom level the same, no matter what the map size is. Fixed outline thickness for different scales too.
Fix rocket icon resizing when it refreshes
Show MLRS rocket icons on the map for the player that fired them
Got rid of double map show invoke
Fix use of radius instead of diameter
Map UI now reflects actual target area size
Added a simplified UI circle class
MLRS now has a hit area of specified radius for the rockets. Doesn't increase with target distance - it's calculated, not an actual aim inaccuracy
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Prefab packing & scene backup
Explosion distant rendering improvements. Lighting FX.
- Fire rockets with the big lever, instead of pressing M1. Make the big lever red.
- Only update true aim indication on the client if it changes
- A bit of other cleanup
Refactored explosion timings for 73.5% more oomph.
Material optimization.
- Fix target icons so the hit point exactly matches the clicked point
- Target movement key inputs now work on fullscreen map
- Esc key now works on fullscreen map
Fixed MLRS aiming incorrectly when not placed at a 0-degree Y axis angle
Explain the rangeRingBackground system with a comment
Increase max aim angle on MLRS
Red background position and scaling sorted. While the firing area mask moves with the map, the background (which has to be a child due to the UI mask system 😞) stays filling the screen and only the screen, making it seem infinite and also keeping it clipped to the dashboard screen area.
Chequerboard texture for out-of-bounds areas
MLRS map UI to show min and max rocket range. Areas outside the available range have a red tint
Airburst and various other fx files.
Scene backup.
Tank tread mud splatter files
MLRS calculates projectile min and max range (based on angle limits and projectile velocity)
Removed radius marker image
UIRing. Draws a custom 2D UI element based on two defined radii.
UIInvertedMaskImage. A UI image variant that uses the inverse of a UI mask.
Fixed fullscreen map close button not working
Refactored map code. New class for shared code between the dashboard world-space map and the full-screen UI map
Don't count map view drags as marker placement