14 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
New security door type for the coaling tower, that doesn't show the user interaction
Mostly got the keycard door thing working correctly
Don't allow use of the coaling tower buttons if the fuse isn't in. More IO setup
Hooked up IO to the coaling tower buttons
Visual ore level set is needed on the server as well, for the collider
Fixed double-ups and other trouble with sub-entities on wagons and on the coaling tower
Fixed bugs with percentDrag in the friction calc
Adjusted the coaling tower unload friction
- Added a small new utility class, NetworkedProperty<T>. Handles the boilerplate code for a property (of any type) that's network synced to the client any time it changes.
- New PercenFullStoraageContainer class is a storage container that syncs how full it is to the client, any time its contents change. OreHopper now subclasses this.
- Moved LootTypeIndex back into the CoalingTower script, and changed some protobuf data.
WIP monument puzzle setup.
- Coaling Tower is now an IOEntity instead of a StorageContainer.
- Added StorageContainer entity for the ore hopper.
- New OreHopper StorageContainer subclass shows the visual ore level, and handles some other aspects that CoalingTower used to handle.
- Started setting up the keycard and fuse box.
- Protocol++