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trophy_2023 do prepare + manifest
Applied new lighting/fx to desk.
▆▋▌▊▅▅▇▊ ▉▊▄▍▋▆ ▋▆▆█▍.
▌█▇▅▊▉▋ ▋▄▅▇▄▉ ▇▋█▍▍▅ ▍▊▋ ▋▌▌▊ ▇██▋▉▍▆▅▍ █▌-▊▅ ▅▇▇▇▉▅▉ █▊▄▌ ▌▇▅▉▆▄▊▉▆.
trophy 2023 lods gibs and icon
wip twitch trophy2023 - still need to lod and set up prefabs etc
Made new hazmat suit a skin of the regular suit
Rivals desk steam item setup
Rivals desk drops as burlap sack
Rivals desk now has same crafting costs as computer station
Rivals desk is now in electrical category
Rivals desk now has ground watch component
No longer need to be currently spectating in order to run ToggleSpectateTeamInfo (will still only have an effect while spectating)
Fixed chair collider width
added collision to laptop screen back
reworked collision on twitch rivasl desk so it can be deployed on tugboats
made corrugated metal on twitch rivals desk thinner so it no longer clips walls and added glass collision boxes to the twitch rivals desk prefab screens, reassigned COL instead of lod1 for collision
br_sphere_purple more purple, less pink
merge from main Twitch_Rivals_IV/twitch_desk
Hook up new checkpoint models
Move checkpoint models to Prefabs/Misc/WaypointRace
Added air race checkpoint models
Merge from Twitch_Rivals_IV/map
Merge from Twitch_Rivals_IV/racing
mint and lavendar id_tags
Twitch Rivals hazmat variation
Add global.updateNetworkPositionWithDebugCameraWhileSpectating, allows the debugcamera to update network groups as it moves around
This will only work if the player is currently spectating, when this enabled and a debugcamera is active the spectating player will be unparented from their spectate target
Added BR br_sphere purple, red and green prefabs
Added Mint (teamid 9000/colour aeeeee) and Lavender (teamid 10000/colour ffe7ff) to the set of hardcoded team id colours
Added RelationshipManager.createAndAddToTeam that takes a uint parameter for easy testing (eg. RelationshipManager.CreateAndAddToTeam 9000 will make a new team with that ID and assigns the player in front of you to that team)
SuperTea farming buff, removed health effect