35 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixed NRE in dynamic cover volume generation.
Removed deprecated nav_local
Dynamic generation of cover point volumes.
Some preparations before pushing branch to main
Cover points has a score associated with them.
Another round of safe-guarding navmesh agent usage.
AiManager and DynamicNavMesh now play better together (when managed navmesh grid is disabled).
Support for placing manual cover points within a cover point volume.
Lots of little ai tweaks.
Keeping up to date with main
Know when in cover.
Misc tweaks to ai.
Yet another merge from main.
AverageSumOfChildren qualifier for Apex
Npcs now know whether they're being aimed at by a seen enemy, and will take appropriate evasive action.
Npcs will scan their surroundings more carefully when in combat.
Use average sum of children scoring with normalization to better balance move options in Npcs.
Npcs are now more aware of cover points and in which directions they provide cover.
Integration of cover system (wip).
Test pre-baked navigation on launch site.
Test ai on launch site.
Fixed position samples always following the terrain (wasn't supporting buildings).
Integrated closer with navmesh surface and navmesh link for better debugging.
We now spawn navmesh on adjacent cells to npcs as well, so that they don't run out of navmesh.
Some better class naming for central ai systems
Wrapped NavMeshAgent with some safeguarding around dangerous functions/properties.
Updated merge with how we do things on branch.