19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Splashable water items actually increase the wetness value of the attacked player
Swarm will keep attacking a player until they pour water on themselves via buckets, water guns or the ocean. If so then egress and fade out
Angry bee swarms will now stay away from fire sources. If a player is holding a torch they will stay nearby to attack once the fire goes off
Deployed beehive spawns particles as well should it have a nucleus and enough comb
Enable bee particles on the beehive if it has bees in it
- Added some bee particles around a beehive
- Killing a natural beehive makes a swarm
- Swarm now checks its targets to make sure they are viable throughout the whole attack
- Greatly optimised target selection and processing
- Seperate out think and do
- Make the swarm damage you
- Setup realmed removed
Added super crappy swarm particle effects (testing)
Improved stop distance check
Swarm goes for eye height rather than body
- Fixed swarm base not animating correctly
- Removed excess logs
Got basic steering behaviour compiling
- Better targetting system
- Stop threshold
- Steering behaviour
Home hive and target setup
Laid out basic swarm behaviour setup