
38 Commits over 31 Days - 0.05cph!

31 Days Ago
chicken coop gibs updated prefab
31 Days Ago
updated chicken coop deploy prefab
31 Days Ago
chicken coop LODs coop hatch custom mesh collider
32 Days Ago
chicken coop progress refined materials, renamed UV2 ao - lookin' juicy
32 Days Ago
coop update
32 Days Ago
Merge from parent
33 Days Ago
Compile fixes
33 Days Ago
Fixed moving and sleeping on chicken sharing a flag Fixed being able to pick up the chicken coop while it has chickens Refactors
36 Days Ago
Chickens in coops now go to sleep at night
36 Days Ago
Added debug.ForceChickensSpawnEgg, forces all chickens in the provided range to drop an egg Eggs now drop from just behind the chicken
36 Days Ago
Rework how chickens drop eggs in the world Every 20-40s check if there are players within 100m, if they are there's a 50% chance an egg will drop This should mean players that find chickens in the wild could randomly find eggs in the area, or they could chase chickens for a while to try and get an egg Eggs are now a common item for despawn purposes so they will time out pretty quickly (and we don't flood servers with physics eggs)
37 Days Ago
Implemented visibility system for chickens (taken from recent horse implementation)
37 Days Ago
Move need updates into a budgeted work queue
38 Days Ago
Small status widget update, break out vitals into a new prefab with tooltips and bigger progress bars
38 Days Ago
If chickens are below 50% happiness they will slowly start to take damage, if above 50% they will slowly heal
38 Days Ago
Farmable chickens now take damage and drop corpses like regular chickens
38 Days Ago
Names Added a slot for produced eggs in the chicken coop loot panel Chickens now lay eggs periodically if they are happy (randomised, so the happier the chicken the more eggs) Added a slight tint colour randomisation to each chicken (experimental)
39 Days Ago
Farmable chickens don't collide with player movement Added a crosshair panel to show stats of each chicken when the player looks at them (like the plant genetics display)
39 Days Ago
Chickens now animate correctly Fixed sfx not working, falls back to normal chicken sfx
39 Days Ago
First pass piping update data (similar to IO tool)
39 Days Ago
Created farming inventory loadout Chickens can eat and drink
39 Days Ago
Added server.fillChickenCoop command
39 Days Ago
Hook up sunlight tracking
39 Days Ago
Refactors for future content Added sunlight stat
40 Days Ago
First pass new model setup
40 Days Ago
40 Days Ago
Merge from parent
42 Days Ago
reduced material usage updated chicken coop mesh
42 Days Ago
chicken coop progress
44 Days Ago
chicken coop blockout and textures - fencing based on 3x3
56 Days Ago
Unsaved chicken name stuff
58 Days Ago
Water and food handling
58 Days Ago
Spawning, initial stats
59 Days Ago
Merge from parent
59 Days Ago
First pass on spawning process, status tracking, loot panels
59 Days Ago
Prototyping a new simple chicken for use in coops
59 Days Ago
Merge from parent
2 Months Ago
Chicken coop tests