
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

9 Months Ago
Merge main
9 Months Ago
Checked in main
9 Months Ago
Ensured we don't get into orbit strafes with a parented player Further revisions to use player references rather than just raw positions
9 Months Ago
Heli strafing now sets up correctly with new parenting logic. Orbit strafing now recalculates moved target positions correctly
9 Months Ago
Implemented dynamic position target updates. Ground mask now checks for large vehicles (cargo, tugs) More accurate player strafe runs
9 Months Ago
Zones positions now properly follow parent
9 Months Ago
Increase performance when updating zone scores
9 Months Ago
Fixed problem causing zones to spawned when they shouldn't be
9 Months Ago
Danger zone backend now supports a parent and handles local positions