
28 Commits over 31 Days - 0.04cph!

10 Months Ago
Fixed industrial splitter snapping offset
10 Months Ago
Fixed industrial wall light snapping issues, debug origin was off
10 Months Ago
Fixed default guide mesh orientation issues after rotating it
10 Months Ago
Enabled snapping on all neon signs Slightly reduced the bounds of the large versions to make sure they can be aligned without any gaps
10 Months Ago
Fixed Sound Light guide mesh position mismatch
10 Months Ago
Enabled snapping on CCTV cameras
10 Months Ago
Laser Light: - Fixed guide mesh position mismatch - Fixed missing material on one of the laser origin - Updated destruction sound from wood to metal
10 Months Ago
Electrical heater: - Enabled snapping (had to rotate it to face forward) - Now makes sound when destroyed
10 Months Ago
Added a setting to deployables that allows us to override the deploy guide mesh rotation
10 Months Ago
Enabled snapping on simple light and connected speaker
10 Months Ago
Industrial conveyor can now be placed upside down again
10 Months Ago
Fixed sprinkler guide mesh scale
10 Months Ago
Fluid Switch & Pump: - Enabled snapping - Fixed offset between the guide and the final placement - Updated destruction sound from wood to metal - Now rotatable
10 Months Ago
Fixed counter snapping pivot issues
10 Months Ago
Fixed components being flipped upside down when placed on walls facing south/north
10 Months Ago
Now supports objects with off-centered pivots Fixed corner points not added when aligning from rotated objects Fixed out of range error when having more than 64 components within 2-meter radius Fixed opposite normals check Fixed mesh guide 'flickering' between two snap positions
10 Months Ago
Merged main into io_entity_snapping/fixes/2
10 Months Ago
Fixed counter and HBHF sensor still rotating based on your view angle while being deployed
11 Months Ago
More tweaks on the industrial combiner colliders
11 Months Ago
Decreased the minimum normal Y angle for socket free to enable aim blending (to include slopes and roofs)
11 Months Ago
Fixed laser detector snapping and deployment issues Now deployable on any surface angle Tweaked the handles position to make it easier to wire
11 Months Ago
Fixed industrial combiner snapping and deployment issues
11 Months Ago
Merged main into io_entity_snapping/2
11 Months Ago
Enabled snapping on igniter, electric heater, laser light, sound light Disabled blend aim angle on a few other prefabs
11 Months Ago
Fixed door controller deployement overlapping issues
11 Months Ago
Fixed sprinkler deployement overlapping issues
11 Months Ago
Fixed snapping issues with components facing down (sprinkler, igniter...)
11 Months Ago
Merged main into io_entity_snapping/fixes/2