
5 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Months Ago
Merge from primitive
3 Months Ago
Applied to high caliber revolver as well
3 Months Ago
Cleanup, moved most logic into a new Facepunch.Utility.AnimationUtil class (GetClipFromFBX, GetLocalPositionFromClip, GetLocalRotationFromClip)
3 Months Ago
More progress, created a process to extract a generic animation curve from a humanoid animation to sample at any given point at edit time Involves duplicating the asset, converting it, sampling it and then deleting it so it's not fast, but at least it works and we shouldn't need to do this on many entities
3 Months Ago
WIP support for adjusting r_prop bone on the hands layer shield blocking state, values need to be cached per affected weapon via the new ShieldHeldEntityOffset component