12 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Add refresh button to the top of the era editor to refresh all items
- used if you change prefabs without using GUI
Don't show redirect items in era editor window
When checking if a redirect's era, use the redirects era
Set 600/1000 items to a sensible default era
Fix assets not being marked as dirty and not saving after being assigned an era (ask me how I know)
Finished era editor window
- tons of fixes to make it actually work
- show orange as background when item is unassigned to an era
Add era convar
Restrict items showing up in crafting menu depending on era
Work on era editor window to change item era easily (WIP because implemented on laptop)
Add tags to a bunch of items & assign era to a bunch of obvious items
Tags applied to items prefabs
Switch default era from None -> Unknown and add new "Any" era so we know what items are explicitly allowed in any era vs unassigned
Add tags for era to item assets
Every item reserialized after adding era field & updating asset tags
Improve item asset tags
- `workbench0` - `workbench3` depending on crafting requirement
- `craftable` for items that are craftable
- {Category}Item for item category (WeaponItem, FunItem, etc)
- `ItemDLC` for items that are dlc
- `ItemRedirect` for items that are redirects of other items
Add era field for items (none, primitive, medieval, frontier & modern)
- items default to "no era"
- items in none will show up in all eras
- items in lower eras will show up in higher eras
- no eras assigned to items yet