30 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
disabled Caustics Projector on small moonpools
removed card spawner in module_1500x1800_2way_ladder
fixed navmesh r/w errors on stinky_petes_sign
Spread out underwater labs even more
Fixed floating crates in airfield hanger
S2P Airfield
Fishing vendor moved newly dressed store
S2P fishing villages
always spawn AI around puzzle rooms
Removed blue and red card lab spawns
Spread out underwater labs more
Underwaterlab targetcount = 3
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Fixed bullet proof moonpool water
Moonpool water collider now uses a box collider rather than a convex mesh collider
Added / Adjusted a number of rock formations anchors due to edge case terrain gaps
Fixed "look rotation viewing vector zero" during underwater labs generation (caused by yesterday's changes)
Lab count changes to limit excessive blue puzzle module gen
Added monument topology around the long underwater lab tubes (since there can be no legs nearby, which would usually add the topology)
Added additional TerrainFilter checks to icebergs
If underwater lab ends up extremely small (less than 25 segments), retry a couple of different configurations
Underwater lab seeds no longer cross contaminate other underwater lab seeds (more consistent results when things are tweaked)
Prefab updates to enable the small secondary moonpools
Fixed incorrect GenerateDungeonBase socket alignment calculation which prevented certain sockets from correctly acting as male sockets (didn't affect them as female sockets)
Better secondary moonpool code
Underwater lab min distance changes
Reduced underwater lab count
Merge from main/Underwater_labs_September
Merge from main/underwater_lab_45_degree_corner_fix