19 Commits over 30 Days - 0.03cph!
Add timer for how long each warmup scene takes to build
Add output scenes path to scene collection prefab
Switch scene warmup to use the path of scenes instead of SceneAsset so we don't need empty scenes commited in plastic
Add output scene path to `ignore.conf` so plastic doesn't commit 1GB every time warmup scenes are rebuilt
Update ignore.conf with demos & favorites.cfg
Move scenes to an "Output" subfolder
Commit empty versions of warmup scenes
Add "build warmup scenes" to the asset build pipeline (adds 5% to build time)
Added warmup collection scene "WarmupScenes"
Remove `EntityToScene` component from the warmup scene, instead keep the `EntityToScene` components in a new config scene and output to separate warmup scenes
Add tool to bulk update all warmup scenes with latest version of each prefab
- recreate the output scene instead of loading it when running to cut export times in half
Slight refactor & comments added
Merge from main -> scene_warmup
Undo projectsettings.asset being commited
Fix compilation error on server
Only require scene_warmup prefab as parts of async asset warmup was running
Add async and synchronous LevelManager.LoadScene() methods as the async one was having issues running on main thread
Add more logging and try catch if a scene fails to load
- don't throw error if warming up a prefab twice, but delete it and log a warning
Switch from asset warmup -> warming up scenes of prefabs
- loads scenes async in background rather than stalling main thread
- acts similar to async asset warmup
- loads autospawn prefabs first, then everything else
- spawns world and loads entities, effects and misc prefabs in background
- waits for entity scene to finish loading before running prefab warmup
- prefabs not in warmup scene will be warmed up on the fly
EntityToScene packs prefabs into warmup scenes
- for all types of prefabs, not just entities
- can configure with filters to choose what prefabs you want per warmup scene
Added `scene_warmup` convar to enable feature
- must restart for it to take effect
- also requires partial loading to be enabled (this will become full async loading setting in future)
Add `print_misses` convar to see what prefabs were missed by asset warmup or scene warmup
Add warmup scenes into asset bundles
Don't destroy '_Warmup' scenes when loading a new scene via LevelManager.LoadScene()
- destroy all other scenes and load new scene async
- run synchronous for normal loading