Switch from asset warmup -> warming up scenes of prefabs
- loads scenes async in background rather than stalling main thread
- acts similar to async asset warmup
- loads autospawn prefabs first, then everything else
- spawns world and loads entities, effects and misc prefabs in background
- waits for entity scene to finish loading before running prefab warmup
- prefabs not in warmup scene will be warmed up on the fly
EntityToScene packs prefabs into warmup scenes
- for all types of prefabs, not just entities
- can configure with filters to choose what prefabs you want per warmup scene
Added `scene_warmup` convar to enable feature
- must restart for it to take effect
- also requires partial loading to be enabled (this will become full async loading setting in future)
Add `print_misses` convar to see what prefabs were missed by asset warmup or scene warmup
Add warmup scenes into asset bundles
Don't destroy '_Warmup' scenes when loading a new scene via LevelManager.LoadScene()
- destroy all other scenes and load new scene async
- run synchronous for normal loading