
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

2 Days Ago
Don't show the patrol path if the cargo ship isn't active Don't show the patrol path if the cargo ship has begun it's egress Don't show the path for a harbor if the cargo ship has already docked at that harbor Removed the tooltip text changing on the cargo ship map marker - it no longer makes sense now that we have multiple docking spots and we now have better information from the ship path
2 Days Ago
Merge from main
4 Days Ago
Cleanup on disconnect
4 Days Ago
Make the paths a little more transparent
4 Days Ago
Nexus ferry path stub, wont implement for this update
4 Days Ago
Refactor to support including more ocean paths Added support for showing harbor approaches
15 Days Ago
15 Days Ago
Send the cargo ship patrol path to the player, render it on the map
16 Days Ago
Added a new CanvasLineRenderer component that draws a line into canvas space given a series of positions. Supports a tiling UV and tesselation in the corners to smooth things out