
8 Commits over 31 Days - 0.01cph!

2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Better player bump animation triggers. Play if there's a big velocity change (crashes etc), or if there's a sudden suspension compression.
2 Years Ago
Unsaved animator
2 Years Ago
Fixed snowmobile reaction anim not playing properly on all bones Ended up adding a new state to the base animator, there weren't any animations on the full body layer that were suitable to override (but an animation when a vehicle hits something seems like something useful we can use in the future) Remove override controller, no longer needed
2 Years Ago
Move snowmobile override to seat prefab Trigger wave when bumped
2 Years Ago
Don't play bump anim too often
2 Years Ago
Temp setup: Print "BUMP" when the drivers gets bumped
2 Years Ago
Assigned snowmobile override controller