20 Commits over 31 Days - 0.03cph!
Fixed more cases of some underground train tunnel triggers sticking out of terrain
Fixed cases of some underground train tunnel triggers peaking out of terrain
Fixed underwater labs colliding with underground train tunnels at the new altitude
Added EnvironmetnVolumeCheck to cliff_coastal
Fixed issues on world sizes that, when divided by 216 and rounded down, resulted in an even number
Editorconfig updates (end_of_line = lf, insert_final_newline = true, resharper_csharp_wrap_lines = false)
Added ApplyEnvironmentVolumeChecks to SpawnHandler
Added EnvironmentVolumeCheck component to divesites
DungeonGridInfo ClosestGridCell fix (missing WorldSpaceGrid RoundingMode)
WorldSpaceGrid alignment fixes
Added EnvironmentVolumeCheck to check if a prefab overlaps certain environment volumes and reject placement if it does
Added EnvironmentVolumeCheck to cliff_jutting to prevent them from overlapping the underground train tunnels
GenerateDungeonGrid stays within terrain bounds
Fixed terrain around train tunnel above / below ground connection
Fixed terrain around train tunnel above / below ground connection
Environment volume updates for the above ground / below ground transition pieces
Environment volume updates to better fit the shapes of the underground train tunnel segments
ProceduralMapRailSimple and ProceduralMapRoadSimple fixes