1,945 Commits over 578 Days - 0.14cph!
- Camera lerpspeed is now 10 (same) for gamepad and increased to 50 for M/K
- Added a deadzone to outter circle of screen for camera extending with M/K
- Player deceleration tweak (4.5->6)
- Camera work for M/K mode
- Refactored camera code to make it easier to change behaviour based on input method
- Even more UI elements now use the auto toggle UI prompt functionality
- Changed Space Bar prompt text to Space Bar instead of just Space so thickos don't get confused by being in space and pressing a space bar
- Control select screen rewording
- Controls help panel in Town now reflects the current control scheme
- Shop can be exited with M/K
- Mouse cursor is now set as soon as M/K input is chosen at splash screen
- Options screen now works with mouse and has correct prompts based on input type
- Escape can now close the options menu (instead of just opening) in either control config
- Split gamepad/kbmouse Poll functions to seperate classes
- PlayerShip now adds correct control component at startup based on chosen input type
- Changed the way mouse aiming is handled, now more accurate, less shit.
- Bit of PlayerShip code purge
- Fixed aiming laser bug, moved the code from coroutines to update
- Yeseterday's changes from p1
- Level exit portal now has keyboard prompts and can be used with Space
FOR FUCK SAKE wip alcohol pump
FOR FUCK SAKE directional light set normal bias to 0
FOR FUCK SAKE rebuilt asteroid tile set
!A wip Fan model
- Creeper enemy basic test
FOR FUCK SAKE wip alcohol pump
!A factory texture
FOR FUCK SAKE player plasma projectile
FOR FUCK SAKE camera fog offset to match exponential fog
!A wip factory asset
- Fixed bug with player weapons not correctly reload ticking when fire isn't held
- Feedback reporter now prefixes reports with the current contol method
- Ability bar button text now displays the correct input button/press text, depending on current input type.
- Feedback tool buttons now work with mouse, added prompt toggles.
- Added UI input prompt toggles to all town button/interactions
- Added UI script that will toggle specified UI elements based on current input method (mk/gamepad)
- Added it to Title screen button prompts
- Alcohol pump mission now set to show objective arrows after they've been discovered once
- Aclohol pump mission placeholder text and disabled location arrows
- Setup alcohol pump placeholder as a BaseEntity and mission object
- Alcohol pump mission now works
- Removed alcohol cloud from pump prefab so it doesn't dissapear when you destroy the pump :)
- Added a linear asteroid dungeon archetype
- Rebuilt asteroid tileset prefabs
- Fixed movement speed modifier that would make the player incorrectly increase in speed after all modifiers expired
- New mission SO
- Reduced level length of new mission flow
- Added a placeholder alcohol pump goal ropom to asteroid tileset
- Rebuilt asteroid tileset prefabs
- Added a new flow for pump mission
- Made a placeholder alcohol pump mission prefab
- Tidied up Tileset folders
FOR FUCK SAKE foreground shader, exposing height variable
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid material
FOR FUCK SAKE wip collision to asteroid block asset
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid tileset
FOR FUCK SAKE subsurface shader to reduce shadow artifact (sss now increase ambient)
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid material
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid light normal bias
FOR FUCK SAKE rebuild asteroid tile set
▋ ▉▆▅▅ ▉▇▍▍▊ ▅▅▉█▊▌▊▇
!▆ ▇▍█▌▍▆▄▉ ▅█▄▉ ▊▇▍▌▊
!▊ ▊▌▋▇▌▌▍▆▅▊▆ ▄▇▍▆▅, █▆▇▋▇▍▅ ▍▆ ▉▌▅█▋▊ ▊▄▅▄██ ▍▄▉▌▋▄█▇
▅▅▄ ▇▉▍▋ ▉▍▇▊ ▋▋▄▆▄▌, ▋▇▍▊▄▅ ▍▋▋█ ▅▋▌▉▌▊▊ ▅█▋▌▍▌
FOR FUCK SAKE removing unused plasma projectile
FOR FUCK SAKE player plasma projectile (should appear in a better position)
!A wip UI mockup test psd/ma file
- Added a placeholder start screen before titlescreen, for selecting control type (defaults to gamepad in editor)
- Lowered spawn budget in beer tap room
- Rebuilt factory prefabs
- Reworked ability input stuff to allow triggering from new multi controller input stuff
- Added new keyboard bindings to button set
FOR FUCK SAKE ice asteroid model
!A ice wip floor block
FOR FUCK SAKE player ship laser not to trigger on collision
FOR FUCK SAKE WIP asteroid tile set
FOR FUCK SAKE camera fog setting
FOR FUCK SAKE quality setting, change to no cascade shadow and increased shadow distance
█ ▊▊▉▄ ▆▉▇ ▊▇▇▉▉▊▆ ▋▅▇▌▌
▉▉▍ ▊▊▌▇ ▄▌▉▇ █▄▅▉▋▍▇█ ▌▄▊ ▍▉▌▇▇█▇, ▋▅▍▇▌▌▍▊ ▄▍▆
- Game over screen now works with mouse/keyboard
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid asset (collision fix)
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid material (asteroid colour are now fully dependent on the directional light)
!A very WIP asteroid prefab test
FOR FUCK SAKE scene area1, switched fog from linear to exponential curve
FOR FUCK SAKE cloud material
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid material
FOR FUCK SAKE removed redundant cloud particles
FOR FUCK SAKE cloud particle prefab
- Mission select screen now interactable with mouse, can start missions.