1,945 Commits over 578 Days - 0.14cph!
- TownInteractable works with keyboard
- Cursor no longer hidden by default, need to toggle.
- Title screen buttons now work with mouse
▉ ▄▌█ ▆▇▅▊▆▉█▊ ▊▇▊▇▊
!▅ ▋▇▋ ▅▋▆█▍▌ ▋▅▅▉█▆▋▄
▉▋▇ ▊▅▋▆ ▄▅▌▉ ▇▇▅▌▆▍▊▌ ▇▇▆▊▍▇█▇▉
- Defaulted back to gamepad controlls
Merged control branch to main
FOR FUCK SAKE shaderforge to 1.26
FOR FUCK SAKE recompile shaderforge shader to work in unity 5.3
- More controls refactoring
- Controls purge/cleanup before splitting out to input device classes
- Reduced length of AsteroidToFactory flow
- Started making level skins tileset based. WIP
- Increased cooldown timers of some abilities
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid tileset, recenter area C
- Fixed the way Room creates it's bounding box
- Fixed some Health/MaxHealth enemy issues
- The amount of damage a BaseEntity can take in one hit/shot can now be capped to a % of total health
- Capped Timmy Turrets max single damage to 5%
- Death Row now does target entity MaxHealth as damage, instead of just destroying it (same outcome most of the time, but allows it to be capped properly on bosses etc)
▉ ▅▌▉▆▄▋▇▅▅▊▌▇▅ ▋▍▅▆▌▄▋▌
▌▊▉ ▊▄▋▇ ▅▆▅▊ ▉▉█▇█▄▇█▊▊▌█▅ ▋▅/▅▋█▍▋▍▍▊
▇▅▄ ▊▄▍▍ ▄▍▉▅ ▌▊▆▊▋▆█▉ ▅▅▍▆ █▌▍
- PLAYER MOVEMENT CHANGES: Increased deceleration speed (3->4.5), increased turn speed (15->100).
- BaseMovement now has a max speed random range. Set some default ranges for enemies.
- Removed some debug stuff
- LevelBuilder fix for planet spawning with no outdoor rooms
- Barricade renamed to Barrier
- Collision fix for Barrier
FOR FUCK SAKE cone particle, fixing delay
▄ ▋▍▋▋▊▄▍▉ ▄▇█▍▉/▌▌▅▌▍▋/██▅/▋▋▆▍█▆▌ ▅▉▍▊▉▇
▍▋▇ ▋█▉▆ ▋▄▍▇ ▋▇██▆▍▊▉▊▊▆▍█▊▉▊ ▋▍▌█▆▄
- Barricade/barrier now has seperate distance, scale values and spacing delay enabled again
- Added a starting room to asteroid tileset scene
- Made a tileset for the start room
- Made an asteroid->factory flow
- Last orders mission now uses the asteroid->factory flow
- Rebuilt asteroid prefabs
- Added spawners to outdoor rooms and set spawn budgets for the rooms
- Rebuilt outdoor prefabs
- Increased buzz saw cooldown 7->12
- Added floor collision and Floor script to Asteroid rooms
- Rebuilt asteroid scene prefabs
- Made some terrible icons for barricade, deathrow and laserlink
- Disabled loot dropping of abilities
- AbilityList now equips speed boost and random offensive + utility abilities each level
- AbilityList can now return a random ability of specified category
- Disabled Reaper Bros ability because it's shit
- Added Unlocked property to AbilitySO (defaults to true) so individual abilities can be ignored when abilities are auto loaded (for disabling specific abilities in builds)
- AbilityList now ignroes any locked off abilities
FOR FUCK SAKE force update room prefab
!A wip prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE dim spot light glow
FOR FUCK SAKE adding collision to asteroid block
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid prefab, minimap display
- Added stats screen to F2
- Level can now return list of active rooms
- LevelBuilder now just picks one outdoor room and spawns the planet in it at -3000
- Super basic planet spawning. 20% chance of an outdoor room spawning a planet. Lots of problems. Just a quick test.
- Fixed PlanetGenerator so we can have multiple planets
- Level now builds lists of indoor/outdoor rooms once level has been built
- LevelBuilder wip planet spawning (commented out)
FOR FUCK SAKE light wall prefab, rotated 15 degres down to fix random light culling
FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab room for the light change
- Room culling code tidy/optimise
- Room culler now enables any outdoor lights in any rooms connected to the current room (as well as the current room itself)
FOR FUCK SAKE force update asteroid model material
FOR FUCK SAKE force material on asteroid prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE force update material