
1,945 Commits over 578 Days - 0.14cph!

8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE commented the debug line in the smoke script FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab
8 Years Ago
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8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE bouncer trailer !A trail texture/material
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE bolt prefab and SO
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE level image !A projectile prefab FOR FUCK SAKE weapon SO
8 Years Ago
- White space
8 Years Ago
- Addded flashing GO text/anim to gameplay UI when a room is cleared
8 Years Ago
- Moved area name text below the preview images
8 Years Ago
- Level select screen thumbnails are now generated from area definitions
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE low health effect !A wip UI level selection image
8 Years Ago
- Forced all damage to the player to be 1 damage again, to see if feels clearer when you're about to die - Low health screen effect now correctly enables/disables - Some cam code cleanup
8 Years Ago
- Camera fix?
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
▊ ▊▉█▅▅▋ ▊▍▇▇▄▋▋▋▉█/▊▆▋▉▄▄▊▅█▌ █▋▄ ▋▄▄▉▆▄▋▄ ▍▍█▊▇▊
8 Years Ago
- Pickup UI for abilities is now coloured blue for utility and red for offensive - Increased chances of crates having abilities and weapons (prob too high)
8 Years Ago
- Weapon pickup UI changes
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak cloud FOR FUCK SAKE rebuild asteroid room
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE darken background and asteroid debris, removed the small forground debris
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE temp change for level selection scene FOR FUCK SAKE fix goal room block FOR FUCK SAKE dim star intensity
8 Years Ago
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8 Years Ago
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8 Years Ago
▄ ▍▉▅▊▊▍▆ ▅▍▉▌▋▍ ▌▇▇▅█▍
8 Years Ago
ui tweak
8 Years Ago
- Rebuild
8 Years Ago
- Added quad plasma turret brush to Rotorz - Added some quad plasma turrets to some factory rooms - Rebuilt
8 Years Ago
- Fixed some asteroid room spawn locations that were causing enemies to spawn in unreachable places - rebuilt prefabs
8 Years Ago
- Redcued health of asteroid bugs to 1
8 Years Ago
- BT fix for asteroid laser beam enemy not always starting with smallest sized lasers
8 Years Ago
- Asteroid enemy tweaks - Added exit room to asteroid tileset - Rebuilt prefabs
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE game over scene
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE splash with animated space background...just because
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE adjust gate collision thickness, fixing forcefield not to display
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE change glass center pivot for particle FOR FUCK SAKE rebuild tile and room
8 Years Ago
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8 Years Ago
- Added CollisionMask to room gates/forcefields
8 Years Ago
- WIP collision system improvements to make it less shit and stupid - new CollisionMask component - BaseMovement and BaseProjectile can now check CollisionMask component if present - Barrier ability collision now uses CollisionMask
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE gloss texture to fit new shader render FOR FUCK SAKE rebuilt room, fixed tile placement !A level environment light data !A room
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE update cloud material/ rebuilt room
8 Years Ago
▆ ▇██ ▌▄▋█
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE room prefab, gate collision !A asteroid scene
8 Years Ago
- Pipe glass windows can now be shot to be destroyed - Rebuilt factory rotorz + tileset scenes
8 Years Ago
- Removed the camera zoom levels
8 Years Ago
- Removed confusing XP stuff from UI - One item is rewarded after completing a level
8 Years Ago
- Reduced factory length - Reduced start shields to 1 - Added aware of player check to bouncer AI behaviour tree to stop them being charged and flying at you as soon as you enter their room
8 Years Ago
- weapon/ammor stuff
8 Years Ago
- Weapon clip size can now be set per-weapon (setting it to 0 doesn't require reloading)
8 Years Ago
- weapon ammo clip and reloading test
8 Years Ago
█ ▍▊▋▍ ▅▇▊▅▅
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE door socket for industrial structure FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid material
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE industrial block tile !A industrial block door brush