
49 Commits over 31 Days - 0.07cph!

8 Years Ago
Minor edits
8 Years Ago
Vehicle headlights can turn on/off via a method.
8 Years Ago
Added car headlights. Always on right now.
8 Years Ago
Merge in from Main.
8 Years Ago
Ragdolls now handle explosion and other hit forces as well.
8 Years Ago
Various tweaks
8 Years Ago
Ragdolls inherit velocity of vehicle hits from the server. Adjusted vehicle->character hit forces. Also renamed PlayerHealth to CharacterHealth since NPCs use it as well.
8 Years Ago
NPCs now using the new fake trigger collision system that players use. No more real physics collisions from NPCs. Also added a little more support for NPCs in vehicles at some point.
8 Years Ago
Vehicle hit force mod, and also fixed player getting hurt FX when jumping around on stationary vehicles.
8 Years Ago
Merging in the latest from Main.
8 Years Ago
Minor ragdoll method edits.
8 Years Ago
Fixed a bug where AI would stop walking their current path after their target died
8 Years Ago
Got NPC vehicle collisions working again
8 Years Ago
NPC push velocity updated to match player
8 Years Ago
Working on a new vehicle/player collision system that improves collisions and removes janky "pushing" vehicles around.
8 Years Ago
Removed need for capsule collider on the server by using a different character controller setting.
8 Years Ago
Two seconds of invulnerability to collisions after exiting a vehicle.
8 Years Ago
Pretty sure player_motor doesn't need to token rigidbody anymore
8 Years Ago
Moved car exit points further from the car. Might help getting hurt when exiting on laggy servers a bit.
8 Years Ago
Stop vehicles damaging characters at all at very low speeds. Makes them slightly (only slightly) less janky
8 Years Ago
Stopped injuring yourself with your own car making you a criminal
8 Years Ago
Snappier interaction display
8 Years Ago
Changed players to use NPC visual styles.
8 Years Ago
Big door interaction update. Let door hover show more info about the door, getting the state relative to the interactor from the server.
8 Years Ago
Doing a raycast insteadof raycastall on non-interactable layer interactables so they're blocked by intervening walls etc
8 Years Ago
Reduced cop and pedestrian vision distance from 75m to 50m
8 Years Ago
Added a short "Bought Item!" interact text when an NPC buys something, to prevent confusion with the immediate "Not Interested"
8 Years Ago
Added one lot of pistol ammo for the player in edit mode so reloading can be tested.
8 Years Ago
Fixed some null checking nonsense with Unity's null overriding and referencing a monobehaviour as an interface
8 Years Ago
Cars still set a wanted state if you bail out before hitting someone.
8 Years Ago
Improved the unified inventory. Removed the need for the separate PlayableCharacter.IItemRequestReceiver with its own separate system.
8 Years Ago
Made the whole cash register interactable in shops
8 Years Ago
Changed shop system to push state instead of always pulling it. This fixes a bug the shop had where it would update the cash display on the client before the items in your inventory got synced, leaving the price at the old value.
8 Years Ago
Banned holding drugs while in car. Maybe just because the package clipped through the car all the time.
8 Years Ago
Fixed generic package hold position on proxy player
8 Years Ago
Fixed package viewmodel casting shadow. Removed Debug log.
8 Years Ago
Getting the latest from Trunk.
8 Years Ago
More interpolator improvements
8 Years Ago
Added reset system for leaving and joining servers
8 Years Ago
Moved variable interpolation clock to be a single source per client.
8 Years Ago
Moving some interpolator stuff back from the protobuf project into the main one
8 Years Ago
Network simulator merge
8 Years Ago
Merging the latest in from Main
8 Years Ago
Made the SwitchGroup call recursive. Previously if you were in a vehicle, your helditems would disappear when changing network groups since they were two levels deep.
8 Years Ago
Fixed network group not updating when in vehicle
8 Years Ago
Fixed nav generation for doors that was broken by changeset #2411. Note that NPCs are still locked out of using doors right now, since changeset #2407.
8 Years Ago
Modified NPC UI - Don't show level 3 and 4 drugs for now
8 Years Ago
Giving some NPCs a natural inclination to try level 2 drugs as well as level 1. Deterministic based on networkEntity ID so server sync isn't necessary.
8 Years Ago
Limiting framerate to 144 when in menus. Unlimited in-game. Prevents graphics cards freaking out.