8,451 Commits over 2,131 Days - 0.17cph!
Made bots deathmatch by default if they're not in a game mode they have a special case for. Can be useful for testing things with death/respawn. Fixed AI character targeting being able to target itself. Changed spectator to look straight down with no target.
Fixed spectator target changes not working. Target doesn't need to be known by the server at all - made it all client-side.
+ spelling mistake fix.
Separate testing script for testing game mode
Added crown icon to KotH building on the map
Fix NRE when on motor when clients connect by adjusting init order
Prevent issues with character destroy on quit.
Get cops putting their guns away like they should
Bot punches properly now. Need to test cops.
Fixed the bot AI warnings. Just gotta work out why they don't punch.
Fix issues with round state transitions + GUI
Better updating system for WiseGuysTools game mode list. Instant with good performance.
Just renaming mostly. Also removed unused blimp meta.
Added a new time-based end game trigger timer. Can be useful for testing.
Fixed bug where respawns after the pre game wait weren't delayed, caused issues with shit not being cleaned up first.
added missing references that are causing errors
Fixed NPC weapon selection some more. Cops put their weapon away and keep walking around when they finish shooting a target, and out-of-ammo is handled (although currently NPCs get infinite ammo anyway).
Fixed NPCs not being able to select their items
Fixed the fucking slow anim bug. Pain in the fucking arse.
Fixed server player count error
Fixed issues with crime stuff
Partial work on getting crimes/cops working again for Bill
Fix errors when firing guns with no CrimeManager in the scene.
Some quality-of-life options added for game modes. Select specific belt slots, or always run.
New King of the Hill class selection basics
Remove stuff that was in just for the test branch
some base shit for another mode.
Different sort of scoring for KotH
Allow turning bootstrap on and off in WiseGuysTools
Subtractive merge as commit #4571 broke things when >1 client connected to the server.
KotH mode work, getting some necessary data over to clients. Added KotH map to builds.
Cleaned up separate client/server issues
KotH mode actually works - scores working, win condition set. Added extra KotH building texture.
Better score system and UI