224,248 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

3 Days Ago
angled wood track pieces
3 Days Ago
Merge from shelter_ramp
3 Days Ago
Merged main into nightlight_workshop
3 Days Ago
Fixed powered door controllers opening doors after a server restart + a few issues with wire clearing
3 Days Ago
reduce brake stength
3 Days Ago
Add overloads for filtering RPC recipients based on a predicate
3 Days Ago
Speed tree importer and shaders now use foliage shader data and UI
3 Days Ago
vm renderer script setup and activated
3 Days Ago
Added a small ramp to legacy shelter, so it's easier to access on bad terrain
3 Days Ago
VR: keep track of input deltas manually
3 Days Ago
Updated Small and Large Radioactive Vat Colliders and LODS
3 Days Ago
Test Clean up - use TransformInterpolate class Can't modify transform if we're a network object root and a proxy - we must stay true to network transform target Hook up Interpolation enable/disable from Inspector. When Owner calls ClearInterpolation, set a bit on the update msg to have other clients do so as well. Hook up Network.Interpolation and Enable/DisableInterpolation() on the accessor. Fix to allow interp property to be set by GameObjectHeader Serialize the interpolation bool with GameObject Combination of fixed update interpolator and networked interpolation buffer. Working nicely Some cleanup Some extra docs + let's call it Query to match the other class Use Time.Now Restore backward compat LerpTo Cull after, ensure move direct to last tx if query out of time but entries remaining Fix formatting Tiny tidyup
3 Days Ago
default scene revert
3 Days Ago
backup - materials wip for worker house and mapping wip
3 Days Ago
Imported Small And Large Radioactive Vat Props Setup Radioactive Vats Prefabs, Materials, LODS and Colliders
3 Days Ago
RPC in log for consistency
3 Days Ago
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3 Days Ago
Better docs
3 Days Ago
Remove duplicate docs
3 Days Ago
Some fixes
3 Days Ago
▉▊▋ ▅▌██ ▅▅▉▇█▉▇▊▊
3 Days Ago
BufferedHashSet<T>: For safely iterating over a hashset that can be modified without needing a copy Optimize GameObject.Network, we do not need to constantly find the network root, it should only be set on network spawns and parent changes Sandbox.Game convars work in editor again Codegen IUpdateSubscriber and others on Components that implement those methods Scene update loop only iterates over enabled components that implement each of their methods; OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, OnPreRender
3 Days Ago
Use hasvalue etc
3 Days Ago
Inverse logic (doh!)
3 Days Ago
Fix ambigious docs
3 Days Ago
this can be made private
3 Days Ago
Add single Connection overloads
3 Days Ago
Same logic for static Rpcs
3 Days Ago
Update documentation Add recipient filter struct, type, and Rpc.FilterOnly and Rpc.AllExcept methods Update documentation Change filtertype options Move to Connection.Filter. Can pass optional filter to Broadcast. Use this for Rpcs with current filter. More docs
3 Days Ago
BufferedHashSet<T>: For safely iterating over a hashset that can be modified without needing a copy Optimize GameObject.Network, we do not need to constantly find the network root, it should only be set on network spawns and parent changes Sandbox.Game convars work in editor again Codegen IUpdateSubscriber and others on Components that implement those methods Scene update loop only iterates over enabled components that implement each of their methods; OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, OnPreRender
3 Days Ago
sks icon
3 Days Ago
Always explicitly keep a reference to delegates passed to native (#1546)
3 Days Ago
Always explicitly keep a reference to delegates passed to native (#1546)
3 Days Ago
Additional open root check
3 Days Ago
BufferedHashSet<T> Use BufferedHashSet<Component> to safely iterate components without a copy Name this ComponentSubscriberInterfaces, name interfaces IUpdateSubscriber etc.
3 Days Ago
Modified our version of LeanTween to add some additional NRE checks
3 Days Ago
sks entity - removed sar ref & updated bounds
3 Days Ago
wip pedalbike model
3 Days Ago
folder clean up ( removed unneccessary inital model prefabs )
3 Days Ago
Rest of the weekly skins
3 Days Ago
Fixed #9
3 Days Ago
Fixed side inputs working without any power supplied in the 'Power In' input
3 Days Ago
3 Days Ago
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3 Days Ago
set up pants material and set hoodie textures to uncompressed
3 Days Ago
Roadsign Jacket and Pants
3 Days Ago
set up hoodie material with correct colors referencing the manifest
3 Days Ago
Delete last weeks skins
3 Days Ago
Adding weekly skins
3 Days Ago
Merge from main