9 Months Ago
More memory optimisations - attempting to reduce the number of transforms/gameobjects/renderer components there are in the world by consolidating them into a single RendererLOD when possible eg. a RendererLOD has three child LODs all at 0,0,0 - this process caches the mesh and materials used at each LOD level and creates a new renderer/filter on the RendererLOD root and switches the mesh and materials when adjusting LODs. This allows us to delete the child transforms entirely. Process is entirely automatic and applied at runtime to all RendererLODs so no change to artist workflow. Some initial results: Launch site goes from 30,409 transforms to 21,131 Outpost goes from 11,850 -> 9,633 Harbor_1 goes from 17,233 -> 13,125 That's a total saving of over 15k transforms, renderers, filters just from three monuments!