13,960 Commits over 2,772 Days - 0.21cph!
WIP batch prop renderer window
Chickens in coops now go to sleep at night
Merge from triangle_planter
Fixed triangle planter collider marked as convex, resulted in a square collider for placement
Merge from triangle_planter
Possibly fixed some issues when planting all 4 slots in the triangle planeter
Changed the minimum distance between plants when in a planter from 0.5 -> 0.2, had to be applied to every plant
Revert small planter to version from
Fix triangle planter soil mesh not getting wet material effect
Added debug.ForceChickensSpawnEgg, forces all chickens in the provided range to drop an egg
Eggs now drop from just behind the chicken
Rework how chickens drop eggs in the world
Every 20-40s check if there are players within 100m, if they are there's a 50% chance an egg will drop
This should mean players that find chickens in the wild could randomly find eggs in the area, or they could chase chickens for a while to try and get an egg
Eggs are now a common item for despawn purposes so they will time out pretty quickly (and we don't flood servers with physics eggs)
First pass on new chicken mesh prefab
Marked a bunch of animations as looping
Swapped over clips on animator, disabled the walkspeed system
Merge from triangle_planter
Fixed triangle planter rotation snapping on foundations, floors and grills
Merge from triangle_planter
Update description
Update socket names
Merge from triangle_planter (and latest main)
Implemented visibility system for chickens (taken from recent horse implementation)
Move need updates into a budgeted work queue
Adjusted build volumes to rule out some clipping hopper placement scenarios
Fixed players harvested by the hopper not getting the proper skull player assignment
Added hopper socket to medieval box
Only let 1 item get added to the move queue at a time
Add more checks to try and stop items getting moved to the container if they aren't going to fit (and getting bounced back)
Added debug.dropWorldItems, takes a number and an item shortname and drops all the items individually (eg. debug.dropworlditems 10 rifle.ak)
Fixed hopper throwing an exception when more than 128 world items are in it's radius
Better handling for backpacks, extract all items
Hoppers ignore backpacks (temporary fix, will get this working later)
Small status widget update, break out vitals into a new prefab with tooltips and bigger progress bars
If chickens are below 50% happiness they will slowly start to take damage, if above 50% they will slowly heal
Farmable chickens now take damage and drop corpses like regular chickens
Added a slot for produced eggs in the chicken coop loot panel
Chickens now lay eggs periodically if they are happy (randomised, so the happier the chicken the more eggs)
Added a slight tint colour randomisation to each chicken (experimental)
Farmable chickens don't collide with player movement
Added a crosshair panel to show stats of each chicken when the player looks at them (like the plant genetics display)
Chickens now animate correctly
Fixed sfx not working, falls back to normal chicken sfx
First pass piping update data (similar to IO tool)
Created farming inventory loadout
Chickens can eat and drink
Added server.fillChickenCoop command
Hook up sunlight tracking
Refactors for future content
Added sunlight stat
First pass new model setup
Added a slight delay before items start moving