
3,309 Commits over 945 Days - 0.15cph!

Apply era restrictions to recycler output so you can't recycle items to get blocked items
Enforce era restrictions onto loot tables - likely will have custom loot tables but this prevents any items squeaking through - caches valid items for each era in loot tables, resets when era is modified
2 Days Ago
Cherrypick era convar after merge
2 Days Ago
merge from main -> primitive_gm
2 Days Ago
3 Days Ago
Create menu in editor that lists all monuments so you can easily open the scene - use codegen to generate menu since unity wants to use attributes to configure their UI - run codegen after RPC & convars Also create menu to open monument island & assign a specific monument as the prefab
3 Days Ago
▉▋██▋ ▊▊█▍ ▉▉▉_▌▅▅█▍▋▉▉▉_▅▊▇▋▅_█▍▊▌▍▆▌▊▋▇ -> ▌▋▆▄
3 Days Ago
▍█▋ ▆▆▋▅▍▌ ▅▋▋▅▊█▌▉▅ ▉▅█ ▍▉▄▊█▉▇█ ▄▉▍█▉▇▇▍▄ ▅█▅▊▉█ - ▅█ ▉█▄██▉▌ ▍▄▄▍▋ ▊▌▅▌ ▉▋▊▌▆▊▆ ▅▌▉ ▄▅▍▌▇▅▌▅▍ - ▅▇▍▉▄▅▉ ▉▇▇▆▇ ▇▆▇▄ ▋▋▇▆▍▅▍▊▍▉ -> ▋▍▆▊▌▌▉▌▄▉▊▆
3 Days Ago
merge from fix_barricade_placement_excavator -> main
3 Days Ago
S2P excavator
3 Days Ago
Mark coal piles at excavator as "barricades allowed"
3 Days Ago
merge from fix_exavator_bucket_lod -> main
3 Days Ago
merge from fix_exacator_bucket_lod -> main
3 Days Ago
S2P excavator
3 Days Ago
Remove last LOD from excavator bucket wheel so the wheel can always be seen spinning - allows you to see if excavator is active from >100m away
4 Days Ago
▉▄▅▇▅ ▆▉▆▊ ▌▆█_▅▉▋▄█▍▄█_▄▌▇▆_▋▆▍▅▆▉ -> ▅█▌▇
4 Days Ago
▄▋█ ▄▊█▄▋▉▉▉ & ▊█▍▄▇▄▆▍▄ ▍▉▆ ▍▊▉▄▉▍▋ ▌▅ █▆▆ ▊▊▄▉▉▌ ▍▄ █▉▆▊▇▅▄ & ▅▄▍▄▊█▉ ▉█▅▇
4 Days Ago
merge from fix_copy_paste_wires -> main
4 Days Ago
Fix auto-snap not being disabled when client convar is disabled
4 Days Ago
Remove debug logging from copy paste
4 Days Ago
Fix wires being at wrong height when paste is auto-snapped to the terrain
4 Days Ago
merge from fix_quick_craft_multiple -> main
4 Days Ago
Fix quick craft button showing number of crafting tasks instead of number of items crafting Fix quick craft middle mouse crafting 5 items individually instead of 1 group of 5x items
4 Days Ago
merge from fix_copy_paste_admin_ddraw -> main
4 Days Ago
Fix pos1 & pos2 not requiring admin perms - provides no benefit, just ddraws a box in 3d space
4 Days Ago
merge from fix_io_handle_flickering -> main
4 Days Ago
merge from fix_copy_paste_conditions -> main
4 Days Ago
Fix copy paste not updating conditional models (like roofs)
4 Days Ago
Fix Timer (and other IO entities) flickering while looking at the IO port with a wire tool - could also kick you for RPC per second
8 Days Ago
merge from fix_dropbox_industrial_last_slot -> main
8 Days Ago
Fix industrial conveyor not pulling from the last dropbox slot
8 Days Ago
8 Days Ago
Update codegen exe (merged pooling -> optional field changes)
8 Days Ago
Update: Deprecation of Pool.FreeList API We now generate either Free call for classes (as they are IPooled) or FreeUnmanaged Update: Replacing Pool.FreeMemoryStream with FreeUnmanaged Update: Use Pool.Get<List<T>> instead of GetList<T> I'm deprecating Pool.GetList<T>, this updates the stale codegen. Merge branch 'master' into skip_optional_default_fields
8 Days Ago
Upload symbols with parallel streams instead of a single stream per file (via TransferUtilility)) Update to net8
8 Days Ago
Update protobuf codegen exe
8 Days Ago
Don't apply to enums
8 Days Ago
Cherrypick 99260 (make VectorData & Half3 IEquatable)
8 Days Ago
merge from fix_battery_charge_left -> main
8 Days Ago
Add `set_battery_charge` admin command to manually modify battery charge
8 Days Ago
Fix battery showing "5m" of charge left instead of "24hr 5m" when >24hrs charge left
8 Days Ago
Merge from qol_scope_zoom_toast -> main
9 Days Ago
Only show zoom toast after they hold ADS down for 3 seconds
9 Days Ago
Change toast cooldown from 15m -> 5m
9 Days Ago
Add toast to variable zoom scope - will prompt you on hotkeys to zoom up and down - will stop showing once you click the button 5x
9 Days Ago
merge from fix_telephone_grid -> main
9 Days Ago
Fix telephone using the numbered grid instead of letter grid
9 Days Ago
merge from main -> fix_telephone_grid
10 Days Ago
merge from increase_vis_entity_buffer -> main
10 Days Ago
Increase collider buffer from 8k -> 32k - allows copypaste to copy large bases