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Time range compile fix, hints text tweaks
Fixed issue with translation of time range values
Fixed Items.RemoveItem NRE
Quality settings ultra default
More icons in effects list pool
Hopefully fixing some shit with effects listing
Fixed corpses having their own view cached as embedded projectile on init
Meat scales, less meat from deer
cop maps and tint changes
Protected the Animator setter in EntityView.
made meat mushrooms and berries nutritious
UnitView and BuildingView was hiding base EntityView Animator property without that being necessary (made Unity throw like 50 serialization errors on compile).
Merged in Time Range refactor
Time Range Score now takes current hour and current minute, for a smoother score over time.
Unit test of Time Range and fixes for the stuff it unveiled.
Added an EvaluateSimple function to ResponseCurve API, which only evaluates using the simplest form possible of the curve type specified (only support linear functions and normal distribution right now). Doesn't allow the tweaking of slope, exponential, and hor/vert shifts.
updated textures and character parts
More interpolator improvements
Added reset system for leaving and joining servers
Moved variable interpolation clock to be a single source per client.
Moving some interpolator stuff back from the protobuf project into the main one
updated pistol worldmodel
updated pistol model (viewmodel)
Removed the "paying welfare" print
NPCs stop when player approaches with sellable items. Prevents issues with latency when trying to interact with moving NPCs.
Disabled culling on glcore coz readback is stalling; needs proper async
PlayerProgressionWidget shows AI unlocks, audio support
Added contextual hints, pull hints text from files
Current Time should only add a day if it's hour is less than the start time hour, and the end time day is greater than the start time day.
Removed PeakTime from Score and TimeRangeParams. PeakHour is still used, but only by editor.
Moved time range functionality over to using DateTime/TimeSpan.
Fixed a bug that would cause effects to be returned to their parent entities pool before executing their exit action chain
made turtle not fall though the floor when dropped, but will break next time view is remade
Fixed Effects never ticking removal action chains
Cleaned up desire removal, added Desires.ClearAllDesires
Hints widget will automatically show on first run (and in editor every time for now sorry)
ActionChain cleanup
mreged slasher and whatsnew from main
slasher 2->3 dmg. whats new wording.
Let the length of a time range respect the 24 hour clock (eg. if the range is from 23 to 7, let's not get -16, but 8 instead.
merge from main, version number