1,632 Commits over 578 Days - 0.12cph!
- BaseEntity can now set if it has a mini map marker and colour
- Loot is no longer shown on the minimap
- Minimap markers are now only set visible the first time a player enters a room
- RoomSpawner now has separate lists of enemies and non-enemy entities that it spawns (and a combined list)
- BaseEntities now have a ref to their minimap marker and markers are disabled by default (they don't get enabled at all....yet)
- Room culling/toggling optimizations and now correctly toggles rooms when going back
- Merged in 1st pass at room culling
- Quick room toggle test (commented out)
- Enemies and loot crates are now parented to their spawning room
- Disabled enemy chatter speech bubbles for now
- Gameobjects that get swapped in for old ones using LevelBuild_Spawn script now get parented to the previous objects parent. So they get grouped to the rooms
- Mouse cursor visiblity is now toggled with F4 UI
- Added level debug UI from shelf to main, press F4 to toggle room slider
- Added SECTR Complete from asset store, ready to try integration with DunGen
- Room minimap geometry no longer casts or receives shadows
- Rebuilt prefabs to update hatch links to new laser turret
- Changed the way minimap rendering works
- Room now builds it's own minimap object at runtime, combining all it's collision/map data
- Rebuilt prefabs
- At levelgen init, Level component now calculates the extents for the whole level, from all of it's rooms extents
- Disabled the outline effect on minimap which (I think) does nothing
- Reduced size of trigger collider in room J
- rebuilt prefabs
- Added a simple scale anim to feedback banner in town and changed the colour to be different to other town interactables
- Feedback form now always gives input field focus
- Feeedback form now multiline
- Stopped some old keybinds triggerering shit when typing certain letters in feedback tool
- More stuff needed for feedback tool
- Added steamworks library stuff
- If a mission is required to spawn multiple mission obejcts, one is always added to the final room.
- Added cocktail to Your Round mission.
- Fixed collision problem in room J (I think)
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Added booze asset pack
- Added bool to set light colours or not to LevelSkin and a safety check
- LevelSkin can now set the colour of all lights
- Fixed layer issue with spikeys stopping laser beams
- Fixed scale of laser beam turret
- Added a new room to Factory tileset
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Reworked floor spawning turret setup. All floor hatches now have a 20% chance to spawn a turret (currently single or quad) and we can easily change which turrets can be spawned.
- Added prefabs for floor turrets
- Rebuilt prefabs
- More old prefab purging
- Merged save rework back to main. Seems ok?
- Branching for first half of Save system rework. Changed a lot of things as part of it. Probably broke some stuff
- Removed turret spawn script from FloorHatchA prefab and rebuilt prefabs to fix fuckup
- Fixed bug with missions that don't require level generation to not track mission correctly.
- More turret tidyup/purge/breaking
- Phase1 of turret cleanup/rework:
- Made the three types of turrets in TT boss fight their own prefabs so they never get fucked
- Fixed some stuff in TT boss fight
- TT mission is fucked and can't debug it
- Level building code work.
- Rebuilt all prefabs
- Testing runtime turret spawning
- Laser turret test