12,145 Commits over 3,681 Days - 0.14cph!
- Meg's Placeholder model for the bouncer balls
- Created a separate prefab for Missile Turrets
- Reworked turret hierachy so the turret's forward is actually forward
- Level work
- Missiles
- Radius blasts can now be used by enemy weapons
- Removed some rocks from 1-1 to make flying through areas easier
- More rough work on 1-2
- Changed enemy layers so they're not hit by outline effect
- 1-2 work
- Added Megan's placeholder Booze Burner model to the prefab
- Tweaked Booze Burner's stats
- Increased size of turret projectiles
- Bowel bag explosions now hurt the player
- Reduced base Patcher damage from 5 to 3
- Increased size of patcher's glue attack
- Patchers fire rate changed to 0.4 from 0.2
- Monster arena gameplay work
- Patcher enemy tweaks
- Patcher glue now ignores walls
- More gameplay tweaks
- Camera changed again ;)
- Player slightly faster and slightly more maneuverable
- Scaled enemies up
- This is gonna break things
- Increased playership acceleration again, from 550 to 800
- Online leaderboard work
- Added arena leaderboard UI
- Reduced cooldown of Boost skill at all upgrade levels
- Playership acceleration increased to 550 from 450.
- Playership max speed increases from 140 to 170
- Camera now lerps faster
- Reworked the boost ability. Faster speed, less duration.
- Camera now lerps faster when the player is boosting
- Reduced backwards movement speed is now a togglable option on BaseMovement, and disabled by default (inlcuding the player again, now)
- Changed new playership model to be on the Player layer so effects are culled correctly
- Map now has controller input
- Changed level names
- Map closes when loading a new area
- Added LevelTracker component to move scene tracking from GameManager
- Portal now uses new map/navigation screen
- New navigation screen now functions (needs controller input next) and loads levels using new level swap calls
- Area 1-2 now reorganised for hot loading/unloading
- Arena events/phases now display animated headers when starting a new phase or completing an arena.
- Arena events now wait until all spawned items are dead (and not just spawned) before being classed as completed.
- Seperated materials for bowel bag explosion and grenade
- Added entrance to Monster Arena from the monster level
- Re-organised both of those scenes so they support hot swap loading/unloading
- Added spawner map-markers
- Changed green goo gun behaviour
- UI screen navigation fixed, all can return to gameplay by pressing B
- Fixed enemies shooting themselves ;)
- Made the temporary visual effects clearer/brigther for Timeslow/Power Ring
- BaseRadiusBlast can now do damage to anything in range
- Reworked the blast impact effect
- Made a grenade style weapon and blast effect
- WeaponItem now has more control over BaseLauncher properties
- Reduced speed of Monster Arena enemies
- Spawners can now be set to make stuff they spawn grant 0 experience
- Ripple/distortion effects work again
- Time Slow bubble added to object pooler so that it works again!
- Monster arena spawn work
- SpawnPhaseControllers can now start/stop spawning and chain phases together
- Monster arena work and SpawnPhaseController.cs checkin
- Fixed Power Ring not passing through enemies anymore
- Monster arena spawn changes
- Added bowel bag enemy prefab
- Monster arena spawning work
- Added monster arena level to port menu
- Monster arena white box
- More weapon, item and dual wielding changes/fixes/improvements
- Monster themed arena rough test level
- More weapon work
- Weapons can now be equipped per-arm and have their own properties