11,883 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.14cph!
- Fixed another save/load bug
- Objective waypoint arrow now pulses and scales
- Added RoomSpawner script which is responsible for spawning enemies from the mission's EnemyPack, up to a configurable cost, into the room
- The level generation seed is now passed to spawners too, so enemy type and spawn locations can be reproduced
- Made a script tool to select all children of selected objects and deselect selected objects
- Made an editor tool to help quickly replace baked prefab rooms
- Added a scene with all rooms in
- Entity animations can now play sounds on activate/deactivate
-EntityAnimationToggleActive now has option to make any child BaseEntityes aware of the player on activation (defaulted to true)
-BaseEntities no longer de-aggro when out of range. Might need to revert this.
- Boozeburner max speed reduced to 280 from 300
- BB flamethrower first use cooldown is now varied by Cooldown + (0-Cooldown)
- Booze burner flamethrower now inherits velocity from ship
- BB flamethrower now fires in bursts even when not in attack range of the player (but needs to be aware of player)
- Gamepad vibration is now cleared on player death
- Boozeburner's flamethrower now damages the player. Massively OP
- Rotor/mixers now has a 50% chance to spin the other way ;)
- Added a shared, minimum cooldown of at least 15 seconds between enemy taunts, across all enemies.
- Enemy healing beams now charge up each heal over HPS seconds and then modify health every whole.
- Enemy healing beams now heal for 1 health per second
- Fixed order of enemy abilities in manager
- Enemies no longer reset to start position when a long way from home
- Setup EnemyAbilityManager again
- Enemies now have a 10% chance of spawning with one of the special abilities (currently just shield or heal)
- Added enemy ability manager to init bootstrap
- Enemies now only aggro the player if they have clear LOS to the player (and in range)
- Ability icons now fade out darker when recharging
- Set ability cooldowns to 15 second as initial test value
- The distance of BaseMovement's FloorCheck can be overriden
- Increased the distance of Initial placement floor check of enemies
- Fixed impact audio effects not playing when the projectile is set to pierce
- More placeholder audio stuff
- Explosion sound effects are now 3D
- Deleted unused script
- Loot table changes for enemies (removed old item drops)
- Enabled timeslow shield for testing, tweaked it some
- More placeholder audio
- Bug fixes
- Level generator now sets the public Seed value to the chosen seed if using a random seed
- More placeholder audio
- Enabled BuzzSaw ability for testing
- Buzz Saw now does 5 damage in each direction, so 10 total if you manage hit stuff on the way out and back in
- Buzz saw is larger
- Buzz saw travels faster
- Increased the aware distance of enemies
- Projectiles take their damage from their prefabs again, no longer forced to 1 in code (most still have a value of 1 though)
- Effects object pooler now creates new objects if none available to recycle
- Reduced length of Factory1
- Increased movement speed of Booze Burner
- Reduced health of enemies
- Exit portal now get's spawned at the player's location when a mission is completed, taking them back to town.
- Level/mission generator script now makes itself the DunGen root object for the level
- Added a enemy spawn percentage slider to LevelBuilder to control how many of the spawn locations get selected. (short-term)
- Objective tracker UI now gets spanwed as part of the InitLevel bootstrap
- Mission generator now adds mission items to the UI tracker at runtime, so the mission arrows now correctly point at the right things!
- Refactored more of the tracker UI
- Enemies now do one floor test on start of level to set their position without moving
- Disabled the mission generating sound effect as it's too annoying even for placeholder
- HACK: Enemy ships take the fly above floor value from the playership. Need to remove this when we use the floor collision component.
- Enemy spawn pack SO added to destroy mission type
- Added a right stick click graphic to minimap UI
- Removed old, unused gameplay UI prefab
- Split controls and welcome panels up. Control panel is always visible in town.
- Mission scriptable object definitions now have a mission text property for when we add brief storyline text
- LevelBuilder can now be forced to use a specific mission from the inspector for testing straight from a level without town
- Added flows and dungeon setup for test mission level
- Added a LevelBuilder component which uses DunGen and mission generator stuff to build levels based on mission settings
- Level folder cleanup
- Increased player speed from 250 to 300
- DunGen runtime generator can now generate a new map while playing when you press space (Editor only)
- Fixed more save issues
- Half-way through bastardizing offscreen indicator pack
- Flamethrower audio is now 3D
- Fixed sound warp bug
- Audio system changes so effects can be 3D
- Projectiles and impact sound effects are now 3D
- More audio
- Individual BaseEntities can be set to not pull the camera