userAlex Webstercancel

51 Commits over 1,156 Days - 0.00cph!

4 Months Ago
w_bow - set up avatar mask to cull root bone, updated .entity to remove offsets, re-exported 3p anims with updated player rig
4 Months Ago
w_waterbucket - fixed scaling issues on model & connecting prefabs (so 3p anims can be created with logical scaling/positioning)
4 Months Ago
updated player prefab & skeleton asset to use new rust player avatar
4 Months Ago
ak47 - locomotion anims with reduced spine movement, applied to override controller
4 Months Ago
updated ak entity, selected bone masks for w_ak anims
4 Months Ago
added new masks & test animator (with individual layers & masks for each upper body part)
5 Months Ago
hatchet entity - removed offsets, set to use prop bone instead of hand
5 Months Ago
melee holdtype - set new player mask
5 Months Ago
added new player loadout
5 Months Ago
w_revolver reload - removed root bone in mask
5 Months Ago
set 3p rifle anims to use new avatar mask
5 Months Ago
added ik target to revolver.entity
5 Months Ago
lr300 wm reload- removed root bone in mask, ik target curve adjustments for deploy and reload
5 Months Ago
3p lr300 - removed root bone animation data from mask to fix rotating weapon issue
5 Months Ago
updated 3p revolver override controller
5 Months Ago
player animator update - set add_breathe layer to use foot ik flag
5 Months Ago
w_revolver anims set to not include parent bone in anim data
5 Months Ago
w_revolver entity updates
5 Months Ago
new player mask, updated 3p revolver anim meta
5 Months Ago
3p anim organization, moving anims
6 Months Ago
lr300 override controller updates
6 Months Ago
lr300 holdtype override updates
6 Months Ago
3p rifle aim pose, lr300 override updates
6 Months Ago
3p rifle stance mask updates
6 Months Ago
lr300 - weapon prefab and override controller updates
6 Months Ago
holster position updates for a few rifles
6 Months Ago
added rifle pose, set lr 300 to use in overide controller
1 Year Ago
entity positional updates
1 Year Ago
.entity positional updates
1 Year Ago
reverted selected holdtype override controllers to current versions on main, re-added current player animator & renamed experimental controller
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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