userBill Bcancel

1,452 Commits over 792 Days - 0.08cph!

3 Years Ago
BaseVehicle seat clipping trick now ignores trigger colliders
3 Years Ago
Put #server flag around MountPointInfo mountable. Moved one place on the client that was referencing it.
3 Years Ago
Fixed modular cars double-calling UpdatePlayerModel on modules
3 Years Ago
Removed the clientCollider/serverCollider code from BaseBoat. Since we now rely on convex colliders at all times, it's no longer needed.
3 Years Ago
Fixed a couple of prefab import issues
3 Years Ago
- Camper code review: Adjusted name and description to match the others. - Made modules user-craftable by default instead of overriding the setting on each one.
3 Years Ago
Camper code review: Moved icon
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
New 2socket vehicle preset
4 Years Ago
Minor fixes for gibs
4 Years Ago
Updated armoured module icons to match their new look
4 Years Ago
Gibs can now inherit velocity. Car module gibs now DO inherit velocity.
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main->Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Make sure modules have SOME health when initially spawned in
4 Years Ago
Fixed armoured passenger module not disabling side window colliders when the panel was disabled (health conditional). Added one more vehicle preset.
4 Years Ago
New vehicle presets that use the passenger armoured module
4 Years Ago
Front sliding windows now functional on the new armoured passenger module.
4 Years Ago
Added item and icon for the new armoured passenger module. Renamed it from 1module_cockpit_armored_passengers to 1module_passengers_armored. Manifest rebuild.
4 Years Ago
Remove obsolete comment component from vehicle module base
4 Years Ago
Fix NRE in DisableInternalCollisions when net is null
4 Years Ago
Do both entity comparisons in HasEntityInParents, as is done elsewhere.
4 Years Ago
Do the IsOutside() check from the bounds mid point instead of the top, but continue on if the hit collider is part of the entity doing the check. Makes the outside check more reliable.
4 Years Ago
Reduced ScrapTransportHeli outer bounds to match its actual size, they were massive.
4 Years Ago
Added gibs for all the different panels that fall off modular cars as they take damage
4 Years Ago
Adjust car front/rear hurt triggers
4 Years Ago
Reduce car collision damage to players and to NPCs
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Fix cars sliding weirdly on slopes, also improve the "handbrake" when dismounting cars at low speed, so they'll properly stay still
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
In extremely rare situations, TryConvertPositionToSocketIndex could fail on the client, with the modules not yet positioned correctly. Sync the socket index as a reliable replacement. Protocol++.
4 Years Ago
Change bumper world colliders from a capsule to two spheres, attempting to reduce the chance of getting stuck in something
4 Years Ago
Add a power pole to BillBTestMap
4 Years Ago
Removed the distance var from carstats as it didn't work well
4 Years Ago
Fix carstats NaN max health showing on partial cars
4 Years Ago
Not vehicles - fix spelling mistake in the description for window embrasures: form -> forms
4 Years Ago
Fix power usage showing as 1 when selecting the vehicle lift in the inventory. Now correctly shows the real use as 20
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Reduce car collision damage by around 33% in general (re general user complaints about it being too high).
4 Years Ago
Combine error text for BaseModularVehicle socket errors
4 Years Ago
Null check for ModularCarAudio
4 Years Ago
Extra check on baseVehicleLODs when calling RefreshLODSets(). Experimental fix for rare NREs on Sentry.
4 Years Ago
Improved modular car lift Prevent Building, Deploy Volume, and Entity Bounds. Lifts can now be placed in tighter areas, including T-shaped floor sections.
4 Years Ago
Move TriggerBase logged warnings behind ConVar.Debugging.checktriggers
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main->Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Move ice lake snow colliders so it's easier to detect ice vs. snow in VehicleTerrainHandler (ice and snow share the same physics material)
4 Years Ago
Subtract Thai's boat mesh changes, since we can't stop the rigidbody complaining about convex colliders (despite it not being used for any world collisions)