userBill Bcancel

1,452 Commits over 792 Days - 0.08cph!

4 Years Ago
Fix bug where engine showed low performance for a while after adding a new engine and adding parts to it before getting in. Was due to storage item ID not getting synced.
4 Years Ago
Increase engine internal item health
4 Years Ago
Stop engines working if they have broken parts
4 Years Ago
Fix fuel and top speed stats showing up around the wrong way on the client
4 Years Ago
Remove debug print
4 Years Ago
Merge engine changes branch to Vehicles. Save++ and Protocol++. Engines no longer run without a full set of internal items (any tier).
4 Years Ago
Disable inside-vehicle hurt trigger and player repel trigger for now, until issues with them can be fixed properly.
4 Years Ago
Start car based on raw input, not adjusted input. Fixes cars that are rolling backwards down slopes not starting
4 Years Ago
Make sure wheel colliders get enabled even if the car was woken in a non-standard way
4 Years Ago
Fix pushes not working the first time on sleeping vehicles, by waking the wheel colliders as well as the rigidbody before applying push forces
4 Years Ago
Increase collision hurt damage somewhat
4 Years Ago
Remove unused attacker info from hurt trigger
4 Years Ago
Fix wheelcolliders sometimes keeping cars awake, even with 0 throttle/brake forces. Disable them entirely when sleeping.
4 Years Ago
Fix ground grip values
4 Years Ago
Increase sleep velocity (but also sleep delay), as some vehicles still jitter around faster than the level it was at and we want them to sleep too. If this continues to happen, we can switch from testing the current velocity to testing distanced moved over a period of time.
4 Years Ago
Put test map terrain on the correct Terrain layer
4 Years Ago
Fix incorrect ground FX type calculation
4 Years Ago
Although successful in editor, comparing physics materials by object fails in builds, perhaps due to bundling. Compare by name instead. Fixes terrain trail FX not working correctly in builds, as well as incorrect tyre sound.
4 Years Ago
Doubled car spawn default population density from 1.5 to 3. Spawns around 50 cars on a 4K map.
4 Years Ago
Fix vehicle lift losing its reference to the occupant trigger
4 Years Ago
Apply additional overrides to the Vehicle_Lift.prefab base
4 Years Ago
Reduce explosion forces on the car a bit
4 Years Ago
Satchel Charge was also on Continuous, switched to Continuous Dynamic. Added a little bit of code to avoid the "Kinematic body only supports Speculative Continuous collision detection" complaints when timed explosives go kinematic.
4 Years Ago
Change C4 to continuous dynamic collision. All other similar items already use that settings. Fixes it not attaching well to vehicles.
4 Years Ago
Bring back collider conditionals, since the compound collider bug resurfaced
4 Years Ago
Slight changes to car lift, just to see if the client builds will now realise it changed a few days ago
4 Years Ago
Engines now spawn in with no internal items
4 Years Ago
Armoured module icon face the right way
4 Years Ago
Pack a bit more into the secondary textures bundle as the main bundle was still perilously close to 4GB (3.96).
4 Years Ago
Change RollOffDriveForce from 99995 back to 99994. Multi-engine vehicles were very speedy. Adjust best acceleration curve down a little as well.
4 Years Ago
Shuffle texture bundles to bring the larger bundle under 4GB.
4 Years Ago
Extras from manifest rebuild
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Rebuild manifest
4 Years Ago
Hide all chassis items as well
4 Years Ago
Hide the generic base prefabs for chassis and for modules
4 Years Ago
Switched cars from Discrete collision detection to Continuous. Fixes collision issues with all small/thin objects at some performance cost.
4 Years Ago
Changed all nine road signs from mesh colliders to primitive colliders, which handle collisions at speed somewhat better
4 Years Ago
Remove unused RealmedRemove entry on CarLift
4 Years Ago
Have the damage texture only increase to a max of 70% when vehicle is usable, making it easier to differentiate from a wreck
4 Years Ago
Fix compile
4 Years Ago
Fixed several issues that were making total decay time incorrect. Made decay much faster (five minutes total) when vehicle is already in destroyed state.
4 Years Ago
Acceleration/top speed edits again
4 Years Ago
Fix TriggerHurtNotChild also running on the client on listen server, causing players to incorrectly get damaged
4 Years Ago
Tweak best acceleration curve
4 Years Ago
Add a damage script to the repel force trigger, just in case anyone still gets stuck inside a car
4 Years Ago
Several fixes for TriggerPlayerForce. Selects which items to deal with more correctly, and applies some upward force which helps get players out of the way.
4 Years Ago
- Fixed TriggerHurtNotChild always doing 100 damage instead of the correct amount. - Fixed TriggerPlayerForce getting more positive results than it should have been for InterestedInObject on a client.
4 Years Ago
Revert the previous change in TriggerBase since it can remove entities during the loop
4 Years Ago
Tentative removal of ToArray calls on TriggerBase and TriggerPlayerForce (performance/garbage)