
567 Commits over 578 Days - 0.04cph!

9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE wip factory wall / dressing/light test
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE pipe interior asset
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory asset
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE asset interior factory
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE interior floor asset/ cleaning
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory interior floor asset/ cleaning asset
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab/asset
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab and model cleaning/fixing
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE more prefab update
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE fixing material issue
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE rebuilt prefab with correct model
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE asset factory
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory asset with remade collision/rework on fixing some prefab (some collision still broken due to prefab mess up)
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE textures asset
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory model/texture/prefab (removed collision and minimap model for now to remake them in a more optimized way)
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory asset
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE force update on deleted and moved asset
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE pipes set
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE big pipes FOR FUCK SAKE reverted to dx11 as first renderer with dx9 fallback to fix reflection weirdness FOR FUCK SAKE camera prefab fixing clipping issue with background and tweak ssao
9 Years Ago
u! forcing pipe updates
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE more pipe! and prefab
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE pipe model/texture with copper/brass test colour FOR FUCK SAKE turret base size to make it look less bulky FOR FUCK SAKE model file structure clean up
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE turret enemy with new model
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE pirate textures
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE star particles
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE camera prefab, quality setting, light setting and reflection probe to reduce rendering artifact
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE bouncer prefab !A workerbot particle
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE workerbot prefab
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE workerbot rig to fix missing arms !A workerbot anim controler with idle placeholder
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE workerbot tweak
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE replaced SSAOpro by SE SSAO !A missing shaderforge folder
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE shaderforge 1.16
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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