19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Added Physics.TestPointContents
Entity.InternalEntityKeyValue gets called with a list of map entity keyvalues
Added [HammerProp] for setting entity properties from hammer/fgd shit
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
removing a bunch of unused stuff from vr_complex
Added Trace.HitLayer( layer )
Fixed ModelEntity.ClearCollisionLayers (takes no args)
CollisionGroup.Trigger is bullshit, just do EnableSolidCollisions = false
Water surface can be shot
Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.Enum
Clientside ragdolls float in water
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Remove unsed water stuff
Player controller swimming
Added PhysicsBody.FindClosestPoint( vec )
Added PhysicsBody.Density
Fail gracefully if Assets.Load couldn't deserialize
Added BBox.Size, Volume, RandomPointInside
Water: splashes are clientside, splash sound, objects denser than water sink, flat objects lay flat on the surface of the water
Water sounds
Update usermessages.proto
native struct RnCapsule_t is Capsule
Bind CollisionProp.SetupPhysicsFrom*
Added PhysicsGroup.SetSurface( surface )
Added ModelEntity.SetupPhysicsFrom(Model/AABB/OBB/Capsule)
Create sea physics object
Cp,[iled editor tool shit
Added Physics.GetPointContents
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
MeshSystem.CreateWorldModel returns a Model
WaterSea sets the mesh as its model instead of creating a new scene object
Hammer: Load all addons/config/*.fgd
Add CMsgQuat
Bone following particle offset network properly
Compile fix
Fix balloon rope being predicted out
Added Particles.SetEntityBone
SetEntityBone has offset
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed forwarded key bind commands triggering twice
Bind DemoEyeQuat
Added Sound.SetVolume, SetPitch, SetPosition
Replace old EmitSound with new Sound object
Sounds via SoundOpGameSystem
sound op system support host suppression
Rename ParticleSystem to Particles
Particle system creation uses hostindex, so can be prediction supressed
Don't use source's SuppressHost stuff
Client can ignore incoming RPCs if they already predicted it
Added Global.IsPlayingDemo
Fixed Assets not loading when playing demos
Don't suppress when playing demos
Added JsonConverter for Material
Fixed assets not loading in demos proper
Debug output
Added Transform.RotationToLocal, RotationToWorld
Fixed ClientInput.StopProcessing not getting reset
Fixed bakeresourcehelper debug output
Fixed coreclr debug output
NRE fix
Bind g_pResourceSystem
Material store its ResourceId
Entity can be sent via RPC
Move Prediction.cs
Assembly Library
AssemblyWrapper hosts OnRPC
Networking can deal with global RPCs
CodeGen can handle global RPCs
RPCs can send Rotation
RPC can read rotation
Decal global RPC for placing decals
return after remove in AssemblyLibrary
GetBoneTransform returns shit serverside now
Decals are networked via our RPC
Uncomplicated CalculateBakePath
Remove unused var reference
Ignore *_bakeresourcecache.vpk
Added missing hammer materials etc
Fixed blood decals showing through fog
This shouldn't be here
Fix Trashcan01 ao
Use SBADDONS for our addons instead of ADDONS, to avoid conflicts
Add GAMESRC path (core_src)
Fixed cubemaps not building
Update testmap
Adding surface properties to a bunch of props
Adding dark area to testmap
Remove unused code
Metal impact tweaks
Metal impact decal
SetModelFromKeyValues on BaseModelEntity for now (need to expose CEntityKeyValues)
Blood impact decal
DoBulletImpact predicted
Removed crosshair glow
Fixed prop gibs not inheriting velocity properly
Added wood.sheet.surface
Crate is made out of wood.sheet.surface
Fixed ragdoll death velocity
Fixed assets not always propertly hotloading
Added PostReload to SoundEvent
Surface.DoBulletImpact does impact sound
Bullet impact sounds
Add volume_atten to soundstack
Entity EmitSound takes position and volume
Stripping a ton of unused anim events
Added ModelEntity.OnAnimEventFootstep
Added Host.Color
Added Footsteps to surface
Added Surface.DoFootstep
Some citizen footstep anim events
Undebug overlay
Added Entity.Transform, PhysBody.Transform
Added Transform.PointToLocal, PointToWorld, NormalToLocal, NormalToWorld
Vector3 equals uses IsNearlyEqual
Removed PhysBody.WorldToLocal, LocalToWorld (should all use Transform now)
Added float.AlmostEqual
Rotation equals uses almostequal
Transform.ToLocal( transform child ) & ToWorld
Added Transform unit tests
Fix unit tests
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Shader rebuild
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Use Decal Asset
Asset hotloading
bullethole assets
Debug out
Asset loading generic
Added shitty placeholder range editor that took way too long to make
Asset compile fix
Update config\decal.asset
Added type menu to inspector
Automatically add asset types instead of hardcoding assettypes.txt
Include assetbrowser in gmod_game since I get the feeling I'm gonna rip the ass out of it
Asset icons
Scale icon in assetbrowser
Remove surface_properties asset type
Remove unused
Ignore QPixmap::scaleWidth warnings
Don't ever use sdkenginetools.txt
Programatically add inspector and its file type associations
Inspector loads from config/*.asset