19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
TextEntry fires an onsubmit on enter
Base Chat Box
Don't register console commands when loading the menu (I need to sort this fucking shit out)
Clean up texture loading
Can load texture "avatar:<steamid>" to load a steam avatar (also avatarbig: and avatarsmall:)
Interop: for resource types add CopyStrongHandle - which creates a new StongHandle pointing to the exact same resource
When making cursor visible, put it in the same position it was when it went invisible
Fix UI not blocking mouse wheel when pointer-events
Show player count on game icons
Don't allow closing the main menu when not in a game
Added Panel.FindRootPanel()
Fixed .Focus() logic fuckup
Added GameScreen
Better Focus() logic
Moving fpsw to engine
Steam CallResults
Disconnect if gamemode didn't load
Remove debug
Added Lobby.GameServerSteamId
Added lobbylist command
Friend callbacks
whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.IO.Path.*
Fixed a bunch of props scale +physhull
Fixed client not forwarding commands to server
Spawnmenu list props, spawn command
Fixed border color
Modern spawnmenu style
Deleting vrad exes
Cursor is enabled if pointer-events enabled on any (visible) child
Background image baseline
Stylesheet renames
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Spawnmenu mockup
ProjectGen automatically add *.scss under *.cs
Menu cleanup
Create Build-Tools.bat
ProjectGen better ignoring
These addons don't need code
Can access code folder via FileSystem
FileSystem.Mount/Unmount silently ignore nulls
Moved stylesheets next to classes
Throw if trying to add rootpanel more than once
Delete.Delete doesn't need to call base
sbox addon
Startup Timing
Sped up generators, but this is all gonna have to be reviewed, probably needs to be threaded
Fixed exception when disconnecting
Add Rect3D
AsyncSetTextureData2 doesn't need TextureConfig
AsyncSetTextureData2 uses Rect3D
Texture cleanup
Added NativeEngine.CTextureDesc
Interop: using [asref] when returning from native doesn't try to return a ref
Bind RenderDevice.GetTextureDesc
Add Texture.Width, Height, ImageFormat
Basic image loading
Fixed scroll direction
Mouse wheel scrolling basics
some ui_ debug convars
Remove F_STENCIL_MASKING from ui shaders
Added NativeRect
Bind RenderContext.SetScissorRect
UI overflow != visible scissor culls
Cull panels if overflow != visible
Text tweak
Panel children sorting
Friend list ordering
Fixed redrawing text for no reason
Update baseaccess.txt
Classes use HashSet
Design tweaks
Update steam_api64.dll
Adding Facepunch.Steamworks
steam_client forwards steam callbacks, so we don't have to fuck about with shit
Remove old manual steam stuff and use fpsw instead
▉█▉█▆ ▄█▆▄▅▍ '▍▋▅▇▋▇' ▅▋ ▅▌█
UserData + Replicated Convar binds
ui_text shader alpha fudge
DeleteChildren can trigger outro's too
Update Sandbox.Test to use preview packages
Fixed multiple nested &selectors not always working
Tweaked transition behaviour, so we can transition from "current" height etc
Added :outro selector, which a panel will set on deletion, and will delete properly after transitions are finished
Added :intro selector - which is automatically added for the first frame of a panel's life - allowing easy creation of intro transitions
Hotreload using mat_compileshaders instead of mat_reloadshaders
ScreenQuad with margin
Update Margin.cs
moving UI materials into addon
Fixed crash in CTextureManagerDx11
Added TextShadow to UI tests
Updated shaders
Box shadow tests, fixes
ui_cssbox cleanup
Pass the transform matrix to the shader
Detect change and launch shader recompile from C#
Placeholder dev_notice_add for sam to add progress
Added RealTimeUntil
Fixed console commands not always working in menu
Made dev notices more generic (so we can use them for shader compiles)
Fixed layout propogation
Matrix.Identity fix
Added transform property
Transform rendering wip
Transform transitions
Bind Matrix
Add RenderContext.SetMatrix
Remove unused
Add Rect.Center
Added Style.SkipTransitions
F keys are game buttons, run binds even when in the menu ui
UI test cleanup
Dedicated server console output now kicks ass
Restore and Save the predicted vars from c++ around simulation