19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Log to serverlogs
Report count is per unique ip
Initial commit
EF includes
Database context
Entries table
Create StatsWeb - Web Deploy.pubxml
Stop bot serversearch stuff
Catch exceptions that would otherwise go unnoticed
Extra profiling for NpcWalkAnimation and SellOrderEntry
fixed SourceServerQuery shared buffer errors
Don't make the playermodel look in the direction of alt look
Don't hide viewmodel when alt looking
Fixed sometimes false returned from SubscribeDownloadAsync
Merge pull request #335 from kamyker/subdl-fix
Fixed sometimes false returned from SubscribeDownloadAsync
Fixed NRE in BaseMountable.NearMountPoint
Fixed "Coroutine couldn't be started" console error
The rest of the audio settings
PreserveSampleRate (partial commit)
Special appid for hero url
Prevent knees clipping through face when duck jumping
Serverside DLC ownership test
Latest Facepunch.Steamworks
Added SteamServer.UserHasLicenseForApp
Switch back to .net 4.x (for modders)
Added SubscribeDownloadAsync for workshop item
SubscribeDownloadAsync has flag state fix
Merge pull request #333 from kamyker/ws-download-progress
SubscribeDownloadAsync for workshop item
Don't report "active agent" navmesh errors
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Can't order servers by wiped date
Don't lowercase the filenames - case is important
Added Jenkins-Client.Groovy, Jenkins-Server.Groovy
Removed Jenkinsfile
Update FacepunchJobs - Web Deploy.pubxml
Fixed DownloadStringCoroutine
Updated hooks for server jobs
Less spammy dedicated server bootup
Benchmark record bundle sizes
gc;totalmemory to megabytes
Fixed array exceptions in DevMovePlayer
Fixed DownloadStringCoroutine errors
Fixed DownloadStringCoroutine errors
Retry string download 3 times before calling it a day
Check Steam valid before trying to cancel ticket
Make sure audiomixer goes in audio.bundle so there's only one version of it
if audioclip has "engine-model" in the name, import DecompressOnLoad, because apparently we're procedurally creating sounds at runtime and the sources can't be streamed from disk