userGarry Newmancancel

308 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.01cph!

5 Years Ago
Sting Filter fixes
5 Years Ago
LobbyQuery String Filter Added LobbyList FilterStringKeyValue method, fixed spacing on SteamMatchmaking.LobbyEnter_t.Install() parameter LobbyQuery FilterStringKeyValue diff param Added MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t veriant of FilterStringKeyValue Update LobbyQuery.cs Method summary for FilterStringKeyValue( MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t kv ) Added summary to method Removed second FilterStringKeyValue method and improved first Second method was non-functional due to access modifier inconsistency, added IsNullOrEmpty and MaxLobbyKeyLength check to first method, added MaxLobbyKeyLength (and backing field) to SteamMAtchmaking, taken from Exceptions and expression body definition Added exception throwing for FilterStringKeyValue, changed MaxLobbyKeyLength to internal and expression body definition Changed exception check in FilterStringKeyValue To check for invalid argument conditions Merge pull request #277 from thesupersoup/master LobbyQuery FilterStringKeyValue method
5 Years Ago
Added missing methods to UgcItem and UgcQuery Added Steamworks.Ugc.Query.WhereSearchText Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.VotesUp Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.VotesDown Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.Subscribe Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.Unsubscribe Update UgcItem.cs Merge pull request #276 from JannikNickel/master Added missing functionality to UgcQuery and UgcItem
5 Years Ago
Added SteamClient.RestartAppIfNecessary
5 Years Ago
Utf8String marshaller Store struct strings as byte and encode as utf8 on demand Added CreateChineseFile test Nicer return string marshalling
5 Years Ago
Controller progress Cleanup, crash fixes Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
5 Years Ago
Pull req - OnLobbyEntered Action and JoinLobbyAsync Added an OnLobbyEntered action with associated LobbyEnter_t event install, and added a JoinLobbyAsync method which returns the joined lobby if successful Pull req - OnLobbyEntered Action and JoinLobbyAsync Added an OnLobbyEntered action with associated LobbyEnter_t event install, and added a JoinLobbyAsync method which returns the joined lobby if successful Merge pull request #274 from thesupersoup/master Pull req - OnLobbyEntered Action and JoinLobbyAsync
5 Years Ago
Controller tests
5 Years Ago
ISteamInput generation SteamInput Base Convert steam struct bools to bytes (to make them marshallable) ISteamInput.GetConnectedControllers is an array SteamInput, Controller boilerplate
5 Years Ago
OnP2PConnectionFailed passes error enum
5 Years Ago
Increase max string length Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
5 Years Ago
Install SteamNetworkingSockets events when initializing SteamServer Merge pull request #269 from laurirasanen/master Install SteamNetworkingSockets events when initializing SteamServer
5 Years Ago
nuget version
5 Years Ago
Add IntPtr version of HandleIncomingPacket
5 Years Ago
Fixed server not being listed on master server Added SteamServer.LogOff() Added SteamServer.ClearKeys() Added OnSteamServerConnectFailure
5 Years Ago
Some currency fix ups Append Async to some async method names
5 Years Ago
Added SteamInventory.StartPurchaseAsync
5 Years Ago
Fixed history servers being returned in favourites Added SteamMatchmaking.GetHistoryServers()
5 Years Ago
ServerInfo (AddTo|RemoveFrom)(History|Favorites) works Added SteamMatchmaking.GetFavoriteServers() Changed FriendGameInfo GamePort to ConnectionPort to match ServerInfo
5 Years Ago
Added GetAuthSessionTicketAsync, which waits on GetAuthSessionTicketResponse_t before returning
5 Years Ago
Filled out FriendGameInfo
5 Years Ago
Fixed SteamInventory not getting events on server
5 Years Ago
Add SteamServersConnected_t and SteamServerConnectFailure_t callbacks to SteamServer Merge pull request #255 from FromZeus/master Add ServersConnected and ServerConnectFailure callbacks to SteamServer
5 Years Ago
SteamItemDetails_t should read flags properly on windows InventoryItem.Flags uses SteamItemFlags
5 Years Ago
Windows specific on overloaded functions in ISteamGameServerStats
5 Years Ago
Added InventoryResult.BelongsTo( <steamid> )
5 Years Ago
Added InventoryDef.GetRecipesContainingThis() Added Acquired and Origin properties to InventoryItem InventoryDef and Recpie IEquatable
5 Years Ago
Should fix inventory definitions updating on server
5 Years Ago
Fallback to FindOrCreateUserInterface if CreateInterface returns null
5 Years Ago
Test warning fixes Use CreateInterface instead of FindOrCreateUserInterface
5 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in OnAchievementIconFetched Cleaning up inventory deserialize
5 Years Ago
Added Async to some async calls Don't release inventoryg result in InventoryUpdated callback
5 Years Ago
FindDefinition return null if _defMap is null
5 Years Ago
Cancel async waits if steam becomes invalid during wait
5 Years Ago
Comment fix Fixed server not setting appid properly Fixed UGC User Queries
5 Years Ago
Clear interfaces and dangling pointers on steam shutdown
5 Years Ago
SteamTypes implement IComparable Squeeze all the UGC Queries into one struct
5 Years Ago
Update InventoryTest.cs Shutdown ISteamMatchmakingServers properly
5 Years Ago
Types now impl,ement IEquatable InventoryItem IEquatable Fixed OnActiveBeaconsUpdated not getting called Update Base.cs Added Ugc.Item.Edit()
5 Years Ago
Added Steamworks.ServerList.IpList for querying an array of Ips
5 Years Ago
nGameLobbyJoinRequested now passes a lobby object
5 Years Ago
ISteamGameServerStats SteamServerStats
5 Years Ago
SteamServer.Update becomes RunCallbacks, has OnCallbackException Changed TransferItemQuantity to Add Equality compare InventoryItem (probably need to do this to every struct)
5 Years Ago
SteamUserStats - direct Get/Setters SteamUserStats.ResetAll SteamUser.DecompressVoice with byte SteamInventory.GrantPromoItemsAsync SteamInventory.TriggerItemDropAsync SteamInventory.AddPromoItemAsync
5 Years Ago
FetchItem to QueryFileAsync OnAchievementProgress returns a Achievement instead of a string Added Server.Tags Added Stat.Add OnInventoryUpdated passes the InventoryResult
5 Years Ago
Added Steamworks.Ugc.FileQuery Added SteamUGC.FetchItem Added QuerySpecificFile test Added IsPack4OnWindows to codegen struct Test fixes Use pack8 structs for windows where appropriate
5 Years Ago
InventoryDef.IsGenerator InventoryDef properties cache Added CraftItemAsync with Amounts
5 Years Ago
SteamInventory.Items (because it's nice and noob friendly)
5 Years Ago
Added RequestEncryptedAppTicketAsync
5 Years Ago
Can define Ip in NetAddress Regions in SteamNetworkingSockets Added "Connecting" bool to ConnectionInterface NormalEndtoEnd test, fixed lockups