23 Commits over 61 Days - 0.02cph!
merge from flow_vector_field
burstcloth - fix to initialization of collision direction when initialized with some rotation (only come up as a problem in media prod so far)
Merge from dpv_anim_transition_fix
- contains a change to BaseMountable.Mount that replaces an RPC call to ForcePositionTo with an immediate network update on the player
updated manifest (dpv was lost in the merge)
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- ▋▉▋██ ▍▅▇▄▄▋▉█, ▄▉▇▍▋▅▌▋▇ ▌▊▋▌▉▉, ▌█▌▋▋▍ █▉▆▌█▇
Null check on water visibility grid, should stop scene issues with terrain
(didn't catch it was executed in edit mode as well)
merge from watervisibilitygrid_fixes
stopping watervisibilitygrid error spam
- still need to fix the core issue
Merge from water_visibility_grid
- provides 2D grid for early exit on most WaterCollision.GetIgnore checks
- dynamic water visibility volumes are brute-force checked, but there are an extremely small number of instances
only apply surface breaking drag to non-kinematic players
(fixes warning when DPV would submerge)
merge /main/DPV -> /main/world_update_2
merge from dpv_collision_fixes
Properly handle origin/simspace delta accumulation when BurstCloth is re-enabled
BurstCloth - optionally allow bone transforms to reset when disabled
- also removed transform reset when re-enabled, only caused a weird jump in behaviour
merge from frontier_hazmzat_cloth_fixes
merge from wortld_update_2/dpv_fixes
separated client/server compile fix for DPV
switched out prefab CompareTo to explicit implementation to avoid boxing
post-merge waterinfo query fix
merge DPV->world_update_2
merge FrontierHazmat->world_update_2