
208 Commits over 92 Days - 0.09cph!

2 Days Ago
initial 2D grid for avoiding Physics checks against WaterVisibilityTrigger - Simple BitArray for static, brute-force through dynamics due to tiny count - train tunnel trigger volumes limit the usefulness of this, next step is splitting world-Y into very small number of cells
4 Days Ago
Properly handle origin/simspace delta accumulation when BurstCloth is re-enabled
4 Days Ago
BurstCloth - optionally allow bone transforms to reset when disabled - also removed transform reset when re-enabled, only caused a weird jump in behaviour
5 Days Ago
merge from frontier_hazmzat_cloth_fixes
5 Days Ago
adjusted frontier_hazmats BC MaxOriginDeltas to roughly enclose character - massively helps cloth resolve when mounting and stops odd behaviour at high noclip speeds
5 Days Ago
BurstCloth Stability - made max origin delta configurable (default value is the same as the old hardcoded one) - origin and simspace deltas accumulated and cleared when sim job is scheduled, this was the main cause of most small explosions in cloth behaviour
5 Days Ago
merge from dpv_fixes
5 Days Ago
Don't show monument block radius for DPV
5 Days Ago
tweaked hatchet cloth settings for better stabilitity - upped damping and constraint iterations
6 Days Ago
initial pass on burstcloth setup for VM not using VM renderer
6 Days Ago
merge from wortld_update_2/dpv_fixes
8 Days Ago
DPV socket excludes artifical water - InWater socket mod allows exclusion of artifical water - added separate error when socket requires a body of water
8 Days Ago
Water volumes report correct overallDepth from WaterInfo - measured against the bottom of the volume or a cut-off plane
8 Days Ago
merge from world_update_2
9 Days Ago
separated client/server compile fix for DPV
9 Days Ago
merge DPV fixes
9 Days Ago
DPV requires fuels storage to be empty before you can pick it up - server sends an additional fuel info update when fuel storage inventory has an item removed/added (stack count change doesn't trigger this)
9 Days Ago
DPV uses correct WaterLevel test for getting player WaterFactor
10 Days Ago
merge from line_functions
10 Days Ago
corrected closest points function
10 Days Ago
merge from main
10 Days Ago
aggressive distance culling for cloth on cny_spear
10 Days Ago
switched out prefab CompareTo to explicit implementation to avoid boxing
11 Days Ago
post-merge waterinfo query fix
11 Days Ago
merge DPV->world_update_2
11 Days Ago
Undo meta guid changes on wallpaper textures from previous merges
11 Days Ago
merge FrontierHazmat->world_update_2
11 Days Ago
merge main->FrontierHazmat
11 Days Ago
merge main->dpv
15 Days Ago
merge from FrontierHazmat/BurstCloth
15 Days Ago
3D Line-Line distance and closest point(s) utils
16 Days Ago
corrected skin constraint update maths - added skin constraint gizmos
16 Days Ago
burst cloth - moved skin constraint updates to IJobParallelForTransform to stop mainthread waiting for previous jobs (even though we only need read-only access, it doesn't know that) - fixed retrieval of bone data for player preview case
16 Days Ago
merge stability changes
16 Days Ago
reduced max placement distance on DPV - ran socket rename
16 Days Ago
added skin constraints to left him as well
16 Days Ago
burstcloth - made skin constraint editing less messy
16 Days Ago
burstcloth - added skin constraints to allow explicit separation from defined points on skinned mesh without needing projected collision - works alongside collision constraints, but allows solving explicit issues like knee clipping without having to rely fully on it - applied to hazmat prefab, also reset bone positions
17 Days Ago
merge from FrontierHazmat/burst_cloth
17 Days Ago
burstcloth - fixed siblings applying too much force as they were being iterated twice in different directions (this was increasingly unstable with higher numbers of substeps and constraint iterations)
18 Days Ago
made burstcloth large collision response pruning optional
18 Days Ago
configured prefab for cloth collision adjustment - tunic bone chains also lifted up
18 Days Ago
added field to burstcloth to control how the collision rays are projected towards the origin
22 Days Ago
split DPV into client/server/shared files
23 Days Ago
Hooked up fuel and health flashing warning lights - they sync up if they're both activated
23 Days Ago
hooked up speedometer and fuel ticks
23 Days Ago
code gen
23 Days Ago
merge from main
23 Days Ago
hitching - easing in break force over short number of frames to let it break easier after initial hitching - set hitching flag on attached entity - horse modifies speed with prescense of hitch flag
23 Days Ago
hitching tweaks - project hitch joint - move ridable queue processing to fixed update