6,160 Commits over 3,926 Days - 0.07cph!
fixed grade damage assignment on default spawn
merge from weaponrefactor
baseanimal is now a basecombatentity
basecombatentity tries to work with skinnedmeshcollision (and fails to)
Added protection system and multiple damagetypes per hitinfo
Storage box now uses BaseCombatEntity
BaseCombatEntity uses lifestate
Added lifehandler to storagebox
increased volume of doors
modified footstep max distance (can no longer hear them 300 feet away)
added stone, metal floors
fixed spectator being developer only (admins can now spectate)
Fixed chickens being invincible
Fixed some names causing collisions
updated manifest
Fixed some compiler errors
retained spectating ability for admins
Removed debug speedcheats and spectating
Fixed minor network bug with key locks
much easier to tell if a lock is locked/unlocked now
merging in : Player corpses won't disappear while you are busy looting them
If you harvest a player corpse until it disappears, a small percentage of items will spew (wip)
Moved lootable corpse over to use RPC's instead of itemcommands
Player corpses won't disappear while you are busy looting them
If you harvest a player corpse until it disappears, a small percentage of items will spew (wip)
Moved lootable corpse over to use RPC's instead of itemcommands
Arrows have a sound, slight trail, and are much faster now
Merged in
Made campfires less deadly
Added audio to furnace
Destroying a crate makes it spew its contents
Fixed melee not registering under some conditions
Fixed gametrace not using spherecast on "hitboxes"
Fixed lantern material
increased storage box health
Fixed bugged out material for large storage
Fixed radius gametrace not hitting "hitboxes" (melee is better)
increased health of storage boxes
Fixed melee sometimes not registering, doh
Added sound to furnace
Lowered campfire hurt damage
Fixed bug with lantern on material
box damage (basic)
Fixed terrain footstep sounds when inside
Added footstep layermask
footsteps are louder in general but quieter when crouching
Increased base footstep volume
missing wood box prefabs
Adjusted box placement guides
You now receive more than 1 bullet per craft session
spears have had their attack nerfed
stone spear cost has been increased
bandages now cost 3 cloth
you can now right-click and smash skulls into bone fragments
sleeping bag has a smaller placement radius
Deploy guide prediction changes
Added large storage box - 24 slots
Adjusted small storage box inventory size from 12 to 8
Adjusted small storage scale and color
Added large wood storage model
merge from main
testing trees, rocks, bushes on legacy
CodeLock now saves whitelist to disk
some b14 bullshit
Merge from main
CodeLock now saves whitelist to disk
Locks automatically lock after first key is created
CodeLock automatically locks after first code entered
code adjustment - load/save server only