6,112 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.07cph!
faster right click looting
m39 recoil reduction
first person tracers appear smaller when zoomed in
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added camera back to hud scene (disabled)
combat knife and binoculars now show up on the left hip when holstered
rocketlauncher viewmodel fixed
skin approval
fixed crossbow ADS zooming in too much
fixed binoculars not being able to toggle zoom levels
muzzlebrake 20% damage reduction instead of 15
fixed SAM shooting through walls
admire toggle for workshop
fixed MGL buckshot effect being weird
updated 40mm ammo icons to have the same rotation as other ammo
tightened up oil rig spawns
improved MGL ironsights
slightly nerfed MGL fire rate to 0.4 (was 0.334)
CH47 departs landing zone when all passengers have dismounted