6,112 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.07cph!
merge from entity_parenting
cargo ship movement volume
merge from entity_parenting
fixed player model speed being wrong when parented
cargo ship scientist spawn test
vertex lighting on wake
temp fix for cargo ship ambient lights at night
fixed network rotation issues with cargo ship
force highest LOD on cargo ship (testing)
cargo ship movement test and entity
cargo ship temp sounds
cargo ship wakes
cargo ship pathing (OceanPatrolFar)
corn and pumpkin harvest time increased
health over time takes much longer to convert into health
!cctv password assignment
nre fix
smoke effect no longer gone forever outside network range
can no longer use smoke grenades under water
can throw smoke grenades farther
smoke grenades stack to 2
pumpkins and corn and now stackable and no longer have condition
skin approval files
fixed invisible supply signal smoke
removed debug.logs
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added recycler just outside bandit town casino
!fixed disable broadcast on shopkeepers oops
fixed being able to turn recycler on/off if you are not the user
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removed GC allocs from hostileNote
removed GC allocs from LookAtPlant
eliminated GC allocs from nametags